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Joined: 28 Aug 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 4:27 am   

Help with "Messages" script?
Ok. So here I am in Achaea, I check my messages, and I decide I want to scroll through my messages automatically. Simple:

#VAR msg {0}
#TRIGGER {Type 'MESSAGES &msg' to continue looking at your message summary.} {messages @msg}


Then I decide I want to automatically read once, then delete "(system)" messages. Not so simple:

#VAR sysmsg {0} {}
#TRIGGER {Pattern??????} {showmsg @sysmsg;delmsg @sysmsg} "" {case}

The Mud-pattern I'm trying to get it to recognize, as an example, is this:

#1 (system): 8/20/4:42 "A mutton chop has decayed to dust in yo...

As you can see, there is plenty of room for Variables, (Date, time, actual msg excerpt, and so on).
I want it to grab the number of the message (it shows it as #1, but for the commands, you must type showmsg 1 and delmsg 1 as opposed to: showmsg #1 and delmsg #1. The Mud doesn't want the "#" when you input the command.

As we all know, the more exact the pattern the better. Here's what I tried to make the pattern like (one of them, that didn't work):

{#&sysmsg (system): }

I'm obviosly doing this all wrong. UNfortunately, they don't have any similar examples to my problem in the helpfiles (at least not where I would know to look for them).
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Joined: 01 Aug 2003
Posts: 100
Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 5:06 am   
#TRIGGER {^~#(%d) ~(system~)~:} {delmsg %1}
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