The #WAIT command and temporary triggers can be a bit squirrely. I suggest you rewrite this to not use either of them.
The following triggers store all dierolls as a string list in a variable named @dieroll. Note that in version 6.40 you can now refer to list items using the . operator.
#TR {@player1 empties a dicing cup.} {#T+ getroll; dieroll = ""}
#TR getroll {The six sided die rolls out onto the ground and the result is... (%n)} {
#IF (@p1roll = 1) {
#ADDITEM dieroll %1
#IF (%numitems(dieroll) = 2) {
#T- getroll
#ADD p1roll1total (@dieroll.1 + @dieroll.2)
#IF (@dieroll.1 = @dieroll.2) {
say Doubles! Roll again.
} {
#VAR p1roll 2
} {#NOOP}
} {#NOOP}
Dumping the cup initiates the variable. Once the variable has two rolls stored, it processes the data. I did some other tweaking to streamline things a bit. Here's a version you can cut and paste:
#TR {@player1 empties a dicing cup.} {#T+ getroll; dieroll = ""}
#TR getroll {The six sided die rolls out onto the ground and the result is... (%n)} {#IF (@p1roll = 1) {#ADDITEM dieroll %1; #IF (%numitems(dieroll) = 2) {#T- getroll; #ADD p1roll1total (@dieroll.1 + @dieroll.2); #IF (@dieroll.1 = @dieroll.2) {say Doubles! Roll again.} {#VAR p1roll 2}} {#NOOP}} {#NOOP}}
(Win 98, Pentium III, 550 MHz)