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Joined: 18 Sep 2001
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 5:40 pm   

Spaces in script editor
In my script editor whenever i enter a line like:

Antimagic 29 1000
it changes it to
Antimagic 29 1000

how can i get it to keep the spaces in between the values?

Edited: Put in the quote to see the spaces.

Edited by - tondiening on 02/22/2003 11:40:00
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 6:44 pm   
What is the goal to keep the spaces?

Are you trying to #SH, say it, assign it to a variable?

Ton Diening
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 3:13 am   
i want to put it in my bio as part of a bot. so when i enter the command: dobio
I have a heading like
Name Qty Price
<name> <qtyvar> <price>

so I need the spaces in there to keep it somewhat organized so it doesnt all run together depending on the different names and quantities and such. Do you know what I mean?


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Location: Canada

PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 3:44 am   
If you have all your data in a database variable or in separate variables
you could do a loop to cycle through them all as they change and use
%format() to output it pretty.

Would that work for you? Something akin to:

Ton Diening
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:14 am   
This is what I have in that instance, and it just feeds the first word of each line to the mud, omitting the quantity in the variables and the price.

%format( "&6s", Potion Name) %format( "&6s", Qty) %format( "&6s", Price)
#WAIT 1200
#WAIT 1200
%format( "&6s", Antimagic Shell) %format( "&6s", @antimagic) %format( "&6s", 15000)
%format( "&6s", Shadowform) %format( "&6s", @shadowform) %format( "&6s", 16100)
%format( "&6s", Inner Warmth) %format( "&6s", @innerwarmth) %format( "&6s", 15900)
%format( "&6s", Blazeward) %format( "&6s", @blazeward) %format( "&6s", 15100)
#WAIT 1200
%format( "&6s", Demonskin) %format( "&6s", @demonskin) %format( "&6s", 15400)
%format( "&6s", Dragonskin) %format( "&6s", @dragonskin) %format( "&6s", 15500)
%format( "&6s", Shield) %format( "&6s", @shield) %format( "&6s", 14000)
%format( "&6s", Valiance) %format( "&6s", @valiance) %format( "&6s", 16000)
#WAIT 1200
%format( "&6s", Slink) %format( "&6s", @slink) %format( "&6s", 14000)
%format( "&6s", Dragon Wit) %format( "&6s", @dragonwit) %format( "&6s", 14000)
%format( "&6s", Ethereal Shield) %format( "&6s", @etherealshield) %format( "&6s", 15700)
%format( "&6s", Dispel Magic) %format( "&6s", @dispelmagic) %format( "&6s", 15300)
#WAIT 1200
%format( "&6s", Ethereal Web) %format( "&6s", @etherealweb) %format( "&6s", 15800)
%format( "&6s", TrueSight) %format( "&6s", @truesight) %format( "&6s", 16200)
%format( "&6s", Eldritch Sphere) %format( "&6s", @eldritchsphere) %format( "&6s", 15600)
%format( "&6s", Protection) %format( "&6s", @protection) %format( "&6s", 14000)
#WAIT 1200
%format( "&6s", Grounding) %format( "&6s", @grounding) %format( "&6s", 15900)
%format( "&6s", Sanctuary) %format( "&6s", @sanctuary) %format( "&6s", 16000)


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Joined: 24 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:12 am   
This is entirely unrelated, I just have to ask. Are you the same PrestoPimp from Tribes?

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Joined: 18 Sep 2001
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:23 am   
I used to play tribes like a year ago or so, but not currently. Anyone else using my name is a fake.. because I have it registered with anything important.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 2:18 pm   
You should not rely on the output of functions to be sent to the MUD correctly. For this purpose, you should pass this output to commands like #EXEC or #SEND. What I mean is that instead of doing something like:
%format( "&6s", Antimagic Shell) %format( "&6s", @antimagic) %format( "&6s", 15000)

you should do:
#EXEC {%concat(%format( "&6s", Antimagic Shell), %format( "&6s", @antimagic), %format( "&6n", 15000))}

or with #SEND if you don't want to see the command sent to the MUD.

By the way, I changed the last %format from "&6s" to "&6n", because 15000 is a number not a string.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 8:19 pm   
All I need to know, is if there is anyway for the script editor not to take away the spaces that I want to enter so that they will send to the mud the exact way I want them.


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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 8:28 pm   
Enclose the command in double-quotes.

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