I'm using a simple script... I need it to create a few triggers. The only problem is that when it executes the triggers, it sends it to the mud instead of acting as if I had typed them in manually myself. For instance:
#IF (%1 = "") {} {
#CLASS {Chat Capture|%1}
#EXECUTE {%concat( "#TRIGGER {~~(CHAT~~) '", %1, "} {#CAPTURE (1) RolePlay}")}
#EXECUTE {%concat( "#TRIGGER {~~(CHAT~~) ", %1, "} {#CAPTURE (1) RolePlay}")}
#IF (@rpers) {#YESNO {RPers already exists. Delete it now?} {
#ADDITEM rpers {%1}
} {#ADDITEM rpers %1}} {#ADDITEM rpers %1}
Sends #TRIGGER {~~(CHAT~~) '<whatever %1 was>} {#CAPTURE etc.
How can I make it send to the client instead of sending to the mud I'm playing on?