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Joined: 14 Feb 2003
Posts: 6
Location: Australia

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:22 am   

Dartmud Imp Reporter/Counter
this is a imp reporter for dartmud, it has a slight bug in it still, but it doesnt really bother me so im not inclined to fix it :D itll hide the naughty skill(only hide and sneaking, but not that hard to add the others :D) imps,and count imps, without interuppting stuff like scroll reading and writing and studying books :D

#TRIGGER {(%w) reads from the scroll.} {#cap Scrolls;#gag}
#TRIGGER {(%w) continues writing on the scroll.} {#cap Scrolls;#gag}
#TRIGGER {You study *'s explanation of * in the book.} {#class impreporter 0;#class impstorage 1}
#TRIGGER {You finish studying the book.} {#class impreporter 1;#class impstorage 0;%if( @imps!="", ooc following imps were achieved: @imps);#var imps ""}
#TRIGGER {As you inscribe the last word, power infuses the scroll!} {#class impreporter 1;#class impstorage 0;%if( @imps!="", ooc following imps were achieved: @imps);#var imps ""}
#TRIGGER {You begin to write the scroll.} {#class impreporter 0;#class impstorage 1}
#TRIGGER {Your concentration is broken and you stop studying.} {#class impreporter 1;#class impstorage 0;%if( @imps!="", ooc following imps were achieved: @imps);#var imps ""}
#CLASS {impreporter} {enable}
#TRIGGER {~* You think your language#(%w) skill has improved. ~*} {ooc language: %1 +}
#TRIGGER {~* You think your (%w)* skill has improved. ~*} {%if( "%1"!=hiding, %if( "%1"!=sneaking, ooc %1 ~+));#ad %1 1}
#CLASS {impstorage} {disable}
#TRIGGER {~* You think your (%w)* skill has improved. ~*} {#ad %1 1;#var imps @imps+%1}
#TRIGGER {~* You think your language#(%w) skill has improved. ~*} {#var imps @imps+%1}

hope that worked :D

Mohnkee see, Mohnkee do
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Joined: 14 Feb 2003
Posts: 6
Location: Australia

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 4:31 am   
ok, so i actually got enough motivation togedther to do a few thingys to it :D now it has an on off switch, full skill names are reported rather than them broken ones, and spells all get their own variable instead of like before all the spells of same group as one var :D
this scripts exported from zmud 6.53 beta so i dunno if itll work the same on older ones or if it needs tweaking or something :D although, language imps still dont work cause of that evil #
#CLASS {impreporter} {enable}
#CLASS {impstorage} {disable}
#VAR imps {}
#TRIGGER {(%w) reads from the scroll.} {#cap Scrolls;#gag}
#TRIGGER {(%w) continues writing on the scroll.} {#cap Scrolls;#gag}
#TRIGGER {~* You think your (*) skill has improved. ~*} {#ad %replace( %replace( %replace( "%1", "_", ""), "'", ""), " ", "") 1;%if( @reporter="1", %if( @{%replace( %replace( %replace( "%1", "_", ""), "'", ""), " ", "")}!="ambush", %if( @{%replace( %replace( %replace( "%1", "_", ""), "'", ""), " ", "")}!="lockpicking", %if( @{%replace( %replace( %replace( "%1", "_", ""), "'", ""), " ", "")}!=hiding, %if( @{%replace( %replace( %replace( "%1", "_", ""), "'", ""), " ", "")}!=sneaking, ooc %1 ~+)))))} "impreporter"
#TRIGGER {You study *'s explanation of * in the book.} {#class impreporter 0;#class impstorage 1}
#TRIGGER {You finish studying the book.} {#class impreporter 1;#class impstorage 0;%if( @report=1, %if( @imps!="", ooc following imps were achieved: @imps));#var imps ""}
#TRIGGER {As you inscribe the last word, power infuses the scroll!} {#class impreporter 1;#class impstorage 0;%if( @imps!="i", ooc following imps were achieved: @imps);#var imps i}
#TRIGGER {~* You think your (%w)* skill has improved. ~*} {#ad %replace( %replace( %replace( "%1", "_", ""), "'", ""), " ", "") 1} "impstorage"
#TRIGGER {~* You think your language#(%w) skill has improved. ~*} {#var imps @imps+%1} "impstorage"
#TRIGGER {You begin to write the scroll.} {#class impreporter 0;#class impstorage 1}
#TRIGGER {Your concentration is broken and you stop studying.} {#class impreporter 1;#class impstorage 0;%if( @report=1, %if( @imps!="", ooc following imps were achieved: @imps));#var imps ""}
#TRIGGER {~* You think your (*) skill has improved. ~*} {#var imps @imps+%replace( %replace( %replace( "%1", "_", ""), "'", ""), " ", "")} "impstorage"
#BUTTON 17 {Reporter off} {} {Reporter on} {} {} {@report} {SOUND} {Size} {112} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {Turns on or off the dartmud Skill Improvement reporting system} {}

yay :D

Mohnkee see, Mohnkee do
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