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Joined: 21 Nov 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 5:32 am   

Preventing abuse with Disable
A while ago Seamer mentioned the relative cruelty of #DDE.

Well, it's spread like an epidemic on my mud.

It's great in that all my triggers are pretty well constructed and that it only worked once on me ( I was quoting it to a different channel and set it off by a typo).

Is there any option to disable all #DDE commands, or some sort of trigger to not do anything if its a #DDE command?

Want to spread it to everyone else.


Edwub the Mage
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 6:32 am   
Refrain from using the %* wildcard. Use * instead.

This warning has been repeated over and over here, so when I see people post triggers using %*, I suspect they are hoping to find people to take advantage of.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 1:08 pm   
Like LightBulb said, the best way to be safe is not to use unsafe methods. %* is unsafe because it allows matching of ; which allows other users to execute commands in your zMUD.

However, if you absolutely must use %*, then the only safe way (it could be fooled, but there is now way I know of up until now) is to use this syntax:
#TRIGGER {^%w says '&%*{message}'$} {#SAY {The captured part was @message, and it can't execute code on my zMUD.}}

When using this syntax, always access the macthed text using the variable, never use the corresponding %n, since that is what allows other people to execute code on your zMUD. Also, remember to always anchor triggers whenever possible.

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