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Joined: 25 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 5:59 am   

Desperately Need Trigger Check
As you can see by the title, I need my triggers checked. None of the other MUDders can help me, so I'd like you guys to tell me if they'll work. There are 3 of them, and they are supposed to heal when hp falls below a certain value (25% of Max). Here they are:

1: This one places current hp value into memory #TRIGGER {Hp: &HpVar}

2: This one places max hp value into memory #Trigger {MHp: &MHpVar}

3: And this one checks those values with an if statement and heals if conditions are right. #If (&HpVar < 25% &MHPVar) {starsign}

Note: The third trigger should input the command starsign to the mud when hp falls below 25% of max hp. Are these triggers correct? I don't want to risk it without knowing for sure.

Thanks! ~DrkLazarus
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 6:39 am   
Careful how you implement it. See Lightbulb's comment about looping things
due to prompts here. Else you'll spam starsign to the mud.

The check for your hitpoints should be:

#IF ((@HpVar*100/@MHPVar) <= 25) {
#NOOP More needed here than starsign see reference above

Ton Diening
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 11:51 pm   
Since &VarName is the equivalent of an * wildcard, you'll get a string variable instead of a number variable if there's anything else at the end of the line (possibly even trailing spaces). I've used the &VarName syntax occasionally, but strongly prefer using standard wildcards in the pattern with #VAR commands in the value because it's easier to see what I'm doing that way. If you are getting these values from a prompt, you'll also need to change the Trigger On options from Newline to Prompt.

In other words:
#TRIGGER {Hp: &HpVar}
#Trigger {MHp: &MHpVar}

Line from MUD:
Hp: 107 MHp: 217

HpVar = "107 MHp: 217"
MHpVar = 217

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 12:49 am   
The &varname syntax can also be restricted to any other wildcard besides *. Example:
#TRIGGER {Hp: &%d{HpVar}} {...}

Hp: 107 MHp: 217

makes @HPVar equal to 107 and not "107 MHp: 217".

However, like LightBulb mentioned, this is a more advanced syntax and it is not as easy to see what is happening as matching with a normal wildcard and then storing it in a variable.

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