talonnb Apprentice
Joined: 30 Oct 2004 Posts: 127
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:57 am
Honestly can't explain it easily, blank space issue? |
Every since I updated to 3.25, my system has still worked fine, but for some reason every time I do a QL or L to see the room, or I move to a new room, the name of the room is shown after about 4-5 blank lines.....
Medina Street.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A sewer grate looms darkly beneath your feet. There are 3 peacemaker of Enorians here. An argent intercessor is poised here, hefting an ancient-looking halberd in her glowing hands. A bright-eyed missionary serenely patrols the streets of Enorian.
You see exits leading north, southeast, and west.
I wouldn't mind this THAT much, but when I move and there's a lot of this going on, the blank lines almost seem to overlay the previous rooms so I lose bits and pieces of the buffer, unless I click on the buffer then it all seems to reset back, but still a load of blank lines.
I looked at the debug window, and the only thing I can think might be causing it, is the telnet lines being gagged, but I somehow doubt this seeing theres 3 telnet lines . Any ideas? |
chamenas Wizard

Joined: 26 Mar 2008 Posts: 1547
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:19 pm |
I'm wondering if it's buggy GMCP lines.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:53 pm |
Post the output from the debug window (be sure to turn on the Raw Input/Output message in the debug window).
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:02 pm |
Firstly, this is Achaea we are talking about. Secondly, it is being caused by the mapper being opened. I was going to post about this but someone beat me to it I see. It only happens after you open the map. It continues even after you close the map until you restart Cmud. It is a serious problem because it not only splits paragraphs in half in the display but actually hides text. You have to actually click on the main window to make the text reappear but the blank lines remain.
For example, this is simply entering quick look (QL) or moving a room:
Code: |
Archway on the Stairs.
A brightly painted toboggan sits ready upon the snow. A juvenile Inbhir terrier patrols nearby, sniffing the ground industriously. An obsidian eye sigil is here. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. A bronze floor brazier stands here, with a deep crimson luminescence pouring forth from within. A closed pair of wrought iron gates hang here, denying access to the west. A runic totem is planted in the ground. A stubborn mule wanders about here, nosing at the ground. A small, gold plaque is set into a nearby stone wall. Cold, ashen marble forms a large altar here, raised to the Lady Lorielan. A delicate set of silver and crystal windchimes lies here in a tangled heap. There are 3 frosted sugar cookies here. There are 2 maple walnut cookies here. A cheerful yellow tulip rests on the ground. A lethargic raccoon sits here, tail curled about his hind legs. A delicious looking triple-chocolate cookie lies here. There are 3 small loaves of waybread here. A chocolate brownie sits here as a dark rectangle of decadent dessert. A wax-covered wheel of cheese has been left here. A flaky turkey p
otpie emits curls of appetising steam here. There are 2 pieces of biscotti here. An elegant tulip lies here, forlornly. A pink carnation lies here, discarded. A white chocolate dove filled with vanilla has been left on the ground here. There are 9 mutton chops here. There are 2 marble benches with a covering of maroon silk here.
You see a single exit leading down.
3783h, 3496m cexkdb- |
The raw I/O of same:
Code: |
c Achaea |[8] Achaea Comline : start :
i Achaea >ql<CR><LF>
d Achaea |[8] Achaea Comline : stopped
i Achaea <<ESC>[33mArchway on the Stairs<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36mA brightly painted toboggan sits ready upon the snow.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A juvenile Inbhir terrier patrols nearby, sniffing the ground industriously.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m An obsidian eye sigil is here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A bronze floor brazier stands here, with a deep crimson luminescence pouring forth from within.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A closed pair of wrought iron gates hang here, denying access to the west.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A runic totem is planted in the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A stubborn mule wanders about here, nosing at the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A small, gold plaque is set into a nearby stone wall.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Cold, ashen marble forms a large altar here, raised to the Lady Lorielan.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A delicate set of silver and crystal windchimes lies here in a tangled heap.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 3 frosted sugar cookies here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 2 maple walnut cookies here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A cheerful yellow tulip rests on the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A lethargic raccoon sits here, tail curled about his hind legs.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A delicious looking triple-chocolate cookie lies here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 3 small loaves of waybread here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A chocolate brownie sits here as a dark rectangle of decadent dessert.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A wax-covered wheel of cheese has been left here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A flaky turkey p
a Achaea |3783h, 3496m cexkdb-
a Achaea |Archway on the Stairs.
f Achaea |Pattern: ^@roomName\.$
f Achaea |Pattern: ^(?:@myCityRooms)
c Achaea |exec : Pattern "^(?:@myCityRooms)" : #cw royalblue
g Achaea =Archway on the Stairs[33m.[0m
i Achaea <otpie emits curls of appetising steam here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 2 pieces of biscotti here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m An elegant tulip lies here, forlornly.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A pink carnation lies here, discarded.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A white chocolate dove filled with vanilla has been left on the ground here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 9 mutton chops here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 2 marble benches with a covering of maroon silk here.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[33mYou see a single exit leading<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m down.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
<IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 1305, "name": "Archway on the Stairs", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,-4,-6,1,855", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=855&level=1 0 0", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "d": 2167 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "3783", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:3783/3783 M:3540/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m3783h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3540m <ESC>[37mcexkdb-<IAC><EOR>
a Achaea #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 1305, "name": "Archway on the Stairs", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,-4,-6,1,855", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=855&level=1 0 0", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "d": 2167 } }
f Achaea |GMCP: ^Room\.Info
c Achaea |exec : GMCP "roomInfoGMCP" : roomName = %gmcp.Room.Info.name roo...
a Achaea #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "3783", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:3783/3783 M:3540/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }
f Achaea |GMCP: ^Char\.Vitals
c Achaea |exec : GMCP "charVitalsGMCP" : health = %gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp hea...
a Achaea | otpie emits curls of appetising steam here. There are 2 pieces of biscotti here. An elegant tulip lies here, forlornly. A pink carnation lies here, discarded. A white chocolate dove filled with vanilla has been left on the ground here. There are 9 mutton chops here. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently. There are 2 marble benches with a covering of maroon silk here.
f Achaea |Within Lines: ^(.+) : (%1=" otpie emits curls of appetising steam here. There are 2 pieces of biscotti here. An elegant tulip lies here, forlornly. A pink carnation lies here, discarded. A white chocolate dove filled with vanilla has been left on the ground here. There are 9 mutton chops here. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently. There are 2 marble benches with a covering of maroon silk here.")
c Achaea |exec : Within Lines "^(.+)" : //#TAG desc %1 roomDesc = %1
a Achaea |You see a single exit leading down. |
Example of what is being displayed:
Code: |
3783h, 3496m cexkdb-nw
Eastern Row.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Cast to one side is a delicate, carmine-hued letter.
You see exits leading east, southeast, and west.
Eastern Row.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A rune resembling a horse has been sketched into the ground here. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.
You see exits leading east and west.
3783h, 3540m cexkdb- |
Same example after clicking on the display:
Code: |
3783h, 3496m cexkdb-nw
Eastern Row.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Cast to one side is a delicate, carmine-hued letter.
You see exits leading east, southeast, and west.
3783h, 3496m cexkdb-e
Penwize has been slain in The Matsuhama Arena by Dannyl Maynard.
3783h, 3540m cexkdb-
Eastern Row.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A rune resembling a horse has been sketched into the ground here. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.
You see exits leading east and west.
3783h, 3540m cexkdb- |
Another example:
Code: |
3783h, 3540m cexkdb-
A poignant memorial to the wars.
A whip-thin rapier attached to a thick leather glove lies sealed within a glass display case. A single sapphire eye gleaming within its hilt, the broadsword of Darius rests in a pool of blood-red velvet. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. A bronze plaque nestles between the displays. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.
You see exits leading north and southeast.
3783h, 3540m cexkdb-gleams from between piles of aged parchment.
You see a single exit leading north (open door).
3783h, 3540m cexkdb-n |
The raw I/O:
Code: |
c Achaea |[8] Achaea Comline : start :
i Achaea >ql<CR><LF>
d Achaea |[8] Achaea Comline : stopped
i Achaea <<ESC>[33mA poignant memorial to the wars<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36mA whip-thin rapier attached to a thick leather glove lies sealed within a glass display case.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A single sapphire eye gleaming within its hilt, the broadsword of Darius rests in a pool of blood-red velvet.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A bronze plaque nestles between the displays.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[33mYou see exits leading<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m north and southeast.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
<IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 2316, "name": "A poignant memorial to the wars", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "35,-1,-2,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=35&building=0&level=0 0 2", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "n": 2315, "se": 2317 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "3783", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:3783/3783 M:3540/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m3783h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3540m <ESC>[37mcexkdb-<IAC><EOR>
a Achaea #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 2316, "name": "A poignant memorial to the wars", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "35,-1,-2,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=35&building=0&level=0 0 2", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "n": 2315, "se": 2317 } }
f Achaea |GMCP: ^Room\.Info
c Achaea |exec : GMCP "roomInfoGMCP" : roomName = %gmcp.Room.Info.name roo...
a Achaea #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "3783", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:3783/3783 M:3540/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }
f Achaea |GMCP: ^Char\.Vitals
c Achaea |exec : GMCP "charVitalsGMCP" : health = %gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp hea...
a Achaea |
a Achaea |A poignant memorial to the wars.
f Achaea |Pattern: ^@roomName\.$
a Achaea |A whip-thin rapier attached to a thick leather glove lies sealed within a glass display case. A single sapphire eye gleaming within its hilt, the broadsword of Darius rests in a pool of blood-red velvet. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. A bronze plaque nestles between the displays. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.
f Achaea |Within Lines: ^(.+) : (%1="A whip-thin rapier attached to a thick leather glove lies sealed within a glass display case. A single sapphire eye gleaming within its hilt, the broadsword of Darius rests in a pool of blood-red velvet. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. A bronze plaque nestles between the displays. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.")
c Achaea |exec : Within Lines "^(.+)" : //#TAG desc %1 roomDesc = %1
a Achaea |You see exits leading north and southeast.
a Achaea ]3783h, 3540m cexkdb- |
dbosst Apprentice
Joined: 15 Jun 2010 Posts: 121
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:04 pm |
Hmm I've seen this once in a blue moon as well recently.. but I always assumed it was because of wacky gagging of the prompt, or some other weird script stuff I do where I #gag and then #echo in the same trigger since #sub never worked for me well
talonnb Apprentice
Joined: 30 Oct 2004 Posts: 127
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:35 pm |
Ah good, someone else posted all that. This is the exact issue I'm having too, and yes my mapper is open, so I'll assume it is the same issue.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:07 pm |
Please turn off all triggers (via the Options/Enable Triggers menu) and see if it still happens. You have several triggers firing on the text from the MUD that might be interfering with this. Then re-post the Script Debugger output with the triggers turned off if the problem still happens so I can see the clean results.
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:44 pm |
Code: |
4863h, 3525m cexkdb-
Ascending the Shallam Road.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. There are 73 guardian djinns here. There are 24 Dawnstriders of the Guard here. There are 8 monolith sigils in 8 groups here. A runic totem is planted in the ground. Playing endlessly with its long floppy ears, a small burro stands here quietly. A mighty paladin stands brandishing his blade, keeping a constant vigil on his citizens. A Priestess of the Basilica stands here, keeping watch over the city. A city monk paces here, keeping the peace. A giant tortoise sits here like a rock. A noble hippogriff flaps its wings in agitation here. Bagheera, the grey tengu is here, green eyes observing everything. There are 2 alabaster pegasi here. Sir Avto Del-Amroth is here. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand.
You see exits leading north, east (open door), southeast, south, and west (open door).
4863h, 3536m cexkdb- |
Raw I/O:
Code: |
i Achaea >ql<CR><LF>
i Achaea <<ESC>[33mAscending the Shallam Road<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36mThe bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 73 guardian djinns here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 24 Dawnstriders of the Guard here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 8 monolith sigils in 8 groups here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A runic totem is planted in the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Playing endlessly with its long floppy ears, a small burro stands here quietly.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A mighty paladin stands brandishing his blade, keeping a constant vigil on his citizens.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A Priestess of the Basilica stands here, keeping watch over the city.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A city monk paces here, keeping the peace.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A giant tortoise sits here like a rock.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A noble hippogriff flaps its wings in agitation here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Bagheera, the grey tengu is here, green eyes observing everything.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 2 alabaster pegasi here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;36m Sir Avto Del-Amroth is here. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[33mYou see exits leading<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m north, east (open door), southeast, south, and west (open door).<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
<IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 2050, "name": "Ascending the Shallam Road", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,0,6,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=0&level=0 15 8", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "n": 2054, "e": 3551, "se": 2056, "s": 2119, "w": 5491 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3536", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16599", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3536/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16599/16600 NL:40/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m4863h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3536m <ESC>[37mcexkdb-<IAC><EOR>
a Achaea #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 2050, "name": "Ascending the Shallam Road", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,0,6,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=0&level=0 15 8", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "n": 2054, "e": 3551, "se": 2056, "s": 2119, "w": 5491 } }
a Achaea #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3536", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16599", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3536/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16599/16600 NL:40/100 " }
a Achaea |
a Achaea |Ascending the Shallam Road.
g Achaea =Ascending the Shallam Road[33m.[0m
a Achaea |The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. There are 73 guardian djinns here. There are 24 Dawnstriders of the Guard here. There are 8 monolith sigils in 8 groups here. A runic totem is planted in the ground. Playing endlessly with its long floppy ears, a small burro stands here quietly. A mighty paladin stands brandishing his blade, keeping a constant vigil on his citizens. A Priestess of the Basilica stands here, keeping watch over the city. A city monk paces here, keeping the peace. A giant tortoise sits here like a rock. A noble hippogriff flaps its wings in agitation here. Bagheera, the grey tengu is here, green eyes observing everything. There are 2 alabaster pegasi here. Sir Avto Del-Amroth is here. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand.
a Achaea |You see exits leading north, east (open door), southeast, south, and west (open door). |
I noticed something else with this. I doesn't do it until the buffer fills up. In other words it didn't start until I had received a lot of lines of text and then it does it consistently. |
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:58 pm |
Code: |
Eastern Row.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Cast to one side is a delicate, carmine-hued letter.
Eastern Row.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Cast to one side is a delicate, carmine-hued letter. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.
You see exits leading east, southeast, and west.
4863h, 3500m cexkdb- |
Code: |
i Achaea >ql<CR><LF>
i Achaea <<ESC>[33mEastern Row<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36mThe stars twinkle in the clear night sky.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Cast to one side is a delicate, carmine-hued letter.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[33mYou see exits leading<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m east, southeast, and west.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
<IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 2114, "name": "Eastern Row", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,4,3,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=0&level=0 19 11", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "e": 2115, "se": 2058, "w": 2057 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3500", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17809", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3500/3540 E:17809/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m4863h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3500m <ESC>[37mcexkdb-<IAC><EOR>
a Achaea #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 2114, "name": "Eastern Row", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,4,3,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=0&level=0 19 11", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "e": 2115, "se": 2058, "w": 2057 } }
a Achaea #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3500", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17809", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3500/3540 E:17809/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }
a Achaea |
a Achaea |Eastern Row.
g Achaea =Eastern Row[33m.[0m
a Achaea |The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Cast to one side is a delicate, carmine-hued letter. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.
a Achaea |You see exits leading east, southeast, and west.
a Achaea ]4863h, 3500m cexkdb- |
Code: |
4863h, 3540m cexkdb-
Eastern Row.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Cast to one side is a delicate, carmine-hued letter. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.
You see exits leading east, southeast, and west.
4863h, 3525m cexkdb- |
Code: |
0.8882 |
0.0006 | i Achaea >ql<CR><LF>
0.3695 | i Achaea <<ESC>[33mEastern Row<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m.<CR><LF>
0.0001 | <ESC>[37m<ESC>[36mThe stars twinkle in the clear night sky.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Cast to one side is a delicate, carmine-hued letter.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <ESC>[33mYou see exits leading<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m east, southeast, and west.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 2114, "name": "Eastern Row", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,4,3,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=0&level=0 19 11", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "e": 2115, "se": 2058, "w": 2057 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3525", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3525/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m4863h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3525m <ESC>[37mcexkdb-<IAC><EOR>
0.0001 | a Achaea #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 2114, "name": "Eastern Row", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,4,3,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=0&level=0 19 11", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "e": 2115, "se": 2058, "w": 2057 } }
0.0003 | a Achaea #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3525", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3525/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }
0.0003 | a Achaea |
0.0001 | a Achaea |Eastern Row.
0.0004 | a Achaea |The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Cast to one side is a delicate, carmine-hued letter. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.
0.0002 | a Achaea |You see exits leading east, southeast, and west.
0.0002 | a Achaea ]4863h, 3525m cexkdb-
8.3009 | i Achaea <<CR><LF> |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:59 pm |
I'm not sure you captured the data that I needed. Your first "display" starts with a MUD prompt, but the "raw i/o" starts with the room name.
I converted the raw i/o to this test statement:
Code: |
#show {%e[33mAscending the Shallam Road%e[37m%e[33m.%{crlf}%e[37m%e[36mThe bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth.%e[37m%e[36m There are 73 guardian djinns here.%e[37m%e[36m There are 24 Dawnstriders of the Guard here.%e[37m%e[36m There are 8 monolith sigils in 8 groups here.%e[37m%e[36m A runic totem is planted in the ground.%e[37m%e[36m Playing endlessly with its long floppy ears, a small burro stands here quietly.%e[37m%e[36m A mighty paladin stands brandishing his blade, keeping a constant vigil on his citizens.%e[37m%e[36m A Priestess of the Basilica stands here, keeping watch over the city.%e[37m%e[36m A city monk paces here, keeping the peace.%e[37m%e[36m A giant tortoise sits here like a rock.%e[37m%e[36m A noble hippogriff flaps its wings in agitation here.%e[37m%e[36m Bagheera, the grey tengu is here, green eyes observing everything.%e[37m%e[36m There are 2 alabaster pegasi here.%e[37m%e[1;36m Sir Avto Del-Amroth is here. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand.%e[0;37m%{crlf}%e[33mYou see exits leading%e[37m%e[33m north, east (open door), southeast, south, and west (open door).%e[37m%{crlf}%char(255)%char(250)%char(201)Room.Info ~{ "num": 2050, "name": "Ascending the Shallam Road", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,0,6,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=0&level=0 15 8", "details": [ "" ], "exits": ~{ "n": 2054, "e": 3551, "se": 2056, "s": 2119, "w": 5491 ~} ~}%char(255)%char(240)%char(255)%char(250)%char(201)Char.Vitals ~{ "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3536", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17815", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16599", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3536/3540 E:17815/17815 W:16599/16600 NL:40/100 " ~}%char(255)%char(240)%e[32m4863h, %e[37m%e[32m3536m %e[37mcexkdb-%char(255)%char(239)} |
and it worked fine. So I need to see the raw i/o before the room name. |
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:03 pm |
Code: |
Fish Street.
There is a door in the way, to the south.
Fish Street.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. Gleaming slightly, a steel shortsword is here. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. There are 2 key-shaped sigils in 2 groups here. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Resplendent in Shallamese livery, an herald stands here ready to share the news. There are 2 bait buckets here. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently. A mule of Moghedu wanders about here, nosing at the ground. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Stretching its wings in an impressive display is an ebony pegasus, its dark coat absorbing the surrounding light. A stone gargoyle flies overhead on leathery, grey wings. There are 2 guardian angels here. A black oak rocker with a covering of leather is here. A steel-plated bench is here. Page Macharius, Protege of Lady Eschilde is here. He wields a steel shortsword in each hand. Empyrean Priest of Shallam, Kard Silvertongue, Mace of Justice is riding on a stone gargoyle. He wields a kite shield in his left ha
nd and a spiritual mace in his right. Brother Dracot, The Redeemed is here. Seeker of Spirit, Valdir is here. He wields a sharpened quarterstaff in both hands. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Seraph Bahtell Del'Strata, Guardian of the Flame is here. He wields a Raphaelan mace in his left hand and a Shield of Absorption bearing the Divine Order arms of Mithraea in his right. You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east (closed door), southeast (closed door), south (closed door), southwest (open door), and west.
4863h, 3540m cexkdb- |
Code: |
0.0013 | i Achaea >gallop s<CR><LF>
0.4205 | i Achaea <You kick your mount in the haunches.<CR><LF>
0.0000 | Ascending the Shallam Road.<CR><LF>
0.0000 | Zanzibaar Street.<CR><LF>
0.0000 | Zanzibaar Street.<CR><LF>
0.0000 | Zanzibaar Street.<CR><LF>
0.0000 | Fish Street.<CR><LF>
0.0000 | There is a door in the way, to the south.<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <ESC>[33mFish Street<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m.<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <ESC>[37m<ESC>[36mThe stars twinkle in the clear night sky.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Gleaming slightly, a steel shortsword is here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 2 key-shaped sigils in 2 groups here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Resplendent in Shallamese livery, an herald stands here ready to share the news.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 2 bait buckets here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A mule of Moghedu wanders about here, nosing at the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Stretching its wings in an impressive display is an ebony pegasus, its dark coat absorbing the surrounding light.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A stone gargoyle flies overhead on leathery, grey wings.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 2 guardian angels here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A black oak rocker with a covering of leather is here. A steel-plated bench is here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;36m Page Macharius, Protege of Lady Eschilde is here. He wields a steel shortsword in each hand.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36m Empyrean Priest of Shallam, Kard Silvertongue, Mace of Justice is riding on a stone gargoyle. He wields a kite shield in his left ha
0.0003 | a Achaea |4863h, 3540m cexkdb-
0.0030 | a Achaea |You kick your mount in the haunches.
0.0090 | a Achaea |Ascending the Shallam Road.
0.0036 | g Achaea =Ascending the Shallam Road[37m.[0m
0.0016 | a Achaea |Zanzibaar Street.
0.0028 | g Achaea =Zanzibaar Street[37m.[0m
0.0016 | a Achaea |Zanzibaar Street.
0.0028 | g Achaea =Zanzibaar Street[37m.[0m
0.0053 | a Achaea |Zanzibaar Street.
0.0029 | g Achaea =Zanzibaar Street[37m.[0m
0.0015 | a Achaea |Fish Street.
0.0025 | g Achaea =Fish Street[37m.[0m
0.0017 | a Achaea |There is a door in the way, to the south.
0.0095 | a Achaea |Fish Street.
0.0025 | g Achaea =Fish Street[33m.[0m
0.0506 | i Achaea <nd and a spiritual mace in his right.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36m Brother Dracot, The Redeemed is here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36m Seeker of Spirit, Valdir is here. He wields a sharpened quarterstaff in both hands. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36m Seraph Bahtell Del'Strata, Guardian of the Flame is here. He wields a Raphaelan mace in his left hand and a Shield of Absorption bearing the Divine Order arms of Mithraea in his right.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[33m You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <ESC>[33mYou see exits leading<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m north, northeast, east (closed door), southeast (closed door), south (closed door), southwest (open door), and west.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 2096, "name": "Fish Street", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,0,0,0,1004", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=1004&level=0 13 0", "details": [ "subdivision" ], "exits": { "n": 2121, "ne": 2057, "e": 4888, "se": 3852, "s": 3693, "sw": 3725, "w": 2171 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17785", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3540/3540 E:17785/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m4863h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3540m <ESC>[37mcexkdb-<IAC><EOR>
0.0001 | a Achaea #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 2096, "name": "Fish Street", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,0,0,0,1004", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=1004&level=0 13 0", "details": [ "subdivision" ], "exits": { "n": 2121, "ne": 2057, "e": 4888, "se": 3852, "s": 3693, "sw": 3725, "w": 2171 } }
0.0070 | a Achaea #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17785", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3540/3540 E:17785/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }
0.0177 | a Achaea | nd and a spiritual mace in his right. Brother Dracot, The Redeemed is here. Seeker of Spirit, Valdir is here. He wields a sharpened quarterstaff in both hands. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Seraph Bahtell Del'Strata, Guardian of the Flame is here. He wields a Raphaelan mace in his left hand and a Shield of Absorption bearing the Divine Order arms of Mithraea in his right. You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.
0.0683 | a Achaea |You see exits leading north, northeast, east (closed door), southeast (closed door), south (closed door), southwest (open door), and west.
0.0145 | a Achaea ]4863h, 3540m cexkdb-
0.4987 | i Achaea <<CR><LF>
0.0000 | Y |
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:06 pm |
That should work right? Here you can see I galloped and you have the before and after.
Edit: By the way it does this even if I disable all triggers or even disable my package. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:28 pm |
Can you try this test in your session (do it just after the problem happens on the MUD):
Code: |
#showprompt {You kick your mount in the haunches.%{crlf}Ascending the Shallam Road.%{crlf}Zanzibaar Street.%{crlf}Zanzibaar Street.%{crlf}Zanzibaar Street.%{crlf}Fish Street.%{crlf}There is a door in the way, to the south.%{crlf}%e[33mFish Street%e[37m%e[33m.%{crlf}%e[37m%e[36mThe stars twinkle in the clear night sky.%e[37m%e[36m Gleaming slightly, a steel shortsword is here.%e[37m%e[36m A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground.%e[37m%e[36m There are 2 key-shaped sigils in 2 groups here.%e[37m%e[36m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.%e[37m%e[36m Resplendent in Shallamese livery, an herald stands here ready to share the news.%e[37m%e[36m There are 2 bait buckets here.%e[37m%e[36m Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.%e[37m%e[36m A mule of Moghedu wanders about here, nosing at the ground.%e[37m%e[36m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.%e[37m%e[36m Stretching its wings in an impressive display is an ebony pegasus, its dark coat absorbing the surrounding light.%e[37m%e[36m A stone gargoyle flies overhead on leathery, grey wings.%e[37m%e[36m There are 2 guardian angels here.%e[37m%e[36m A black oak rocker with a covering of leather is here. A steel-plated bench is here.%e[37m%e[1;36m Page Macharius, Protege of Lady Eschilde is here. He wields a steel shortsword in each hand.%e[0;37m%e[1;36m Empyrean Priest of Shallam, Kard Silvertongue, Mace of Justice is riding on a stone gargoyle. He wields a kite shield in his left ha}
#SHOW {nd and a spiritual mace in his right.%e[0;37m%e[1;36m Brother Dracot, The Redeemed is here.%e[0;37m%e[1;36m Seeker of Spirit, Valdir is here. He wields a sharpened quarterstaff in both hands. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.%e[0;37m%e[1;36m Seraph Bahtell Del'Strata, Guardian of the Flame is here. He wields a Raphaelan mace in his left hand and a Shield of Absorption bearing the Divine Order arms of Mithraea in his right.%e[0;37m%e[33m You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.%e[37m%{crlf}%e[33mYou see exits leading%e[37m%e[33m north, northeast, east (closed door), southeast (closed door), south (closed door), southwest (open door), and west.%e[37m%{crlf}%char(255)%char(250)%char(201)Room.Info { "num": 2096, "name": "Fish Street", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,0,0,0,1004", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=1004&level=0 13 0", "details": [ "subdivision" ], "exits": { "n": 2121, "ne": 2057, "e": 4888, "se": 3852, "s": 3693, "sw": 3725, "w": 2171 } }%char(255)%char(240)%char(255)%char(250)%char(201)Char.Vitals { "hp": "4863", "maxhp": "3783", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "17785", "maxep": "17815", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "40", "string": "H:4863/3783 M:3540/3540 E:17785/17815 W:16600/16600 NL:40/100 " }%char(255)%char(240)%e[32m4863h, %e[37m%e[32m3540m %e[37mcexkdb-%char(255)%char(239) } |
That should simulate the same text received from the MUD. If it shows the same blank lines, then try the above command in a fresh blank session and see if the blank lines appear there. You can use Ctrl-Q in a blank session to spam the screen with lines to fill up the scrollback buffer (set the scrollback to 1000 lines or so).
Also, does the problem happen consistently in the same room, or is the problem random and intermittent?
Edited: Btw, you might need to paste the above into NotePad and remove any line breaks. There should only be two lines: The #SHOWPROMPT and the #SHOW commands. Make sure the rest of the stuff is on the same line by turning off Word Wrap in Notepad and removing any extra newlines. |
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:34 pm |
It happens differently (displays differently) but consistently in about every room when moving or doing look or quick look. I sent you a screenshot in a pm of my session screen. I'll get back to you on the test.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:21 pm |
One more thing that might help me reproduce this...it's a bit of a pain, but at the beginning of your session (after you are logged in), type:
#DEBUGFILE test.txt test.raw
then do whatever on the MUD until the problem occurs. Then exit CMUD and email me the above two files as email attachments to sales@zuggsoft.com. Also paste the last page of MUD text into the email so I can see what your screen looked like.
This will allow me to replay the entire raw session as it was received from the MUD. That might allow me to reproduce it. I'll probably also need to know your setting for the number of lines in your scrollback so I can set my session the same. The window size might also matter. |
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:52 am |
Sent the email. I also included the session log file. It also shows the problem in the log file.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:28 pm |
Got the files, but still having trouble getting it to happen here.
Could you try this: Run CMUD and close the Session window to get a blank window. Then type:
#READ test.txt raw
where "test.txt" is the debug file that you send me. It should dump the log to your screen. Tell me if your screen shows the extra blank lines or not. It's possible this is a bug that cannot be reproduced offline. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:25 pm |
Also, I need to know if you turn off GMCP in your session, does the problem still occur?

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:11 pm |
OK, this one is really driving me crazy. I just wrote a new read routine that will parse the debugfile output and properly handle all packet boundaries and also simulate sending the commands to the MUD. The normal "#read raw" routine was just stuffing the entire raw data into a single network buffer. This new routine takes the human-readable debug file and handles the "in" and "out" lines and creates a network packet for each "in" line and a user command from each "out" line.
I opened the mapper and configured it. Then I ran this new read debug routine. It properly created rooms on the map in map mode and walked around the MUD.
But I never saw the problem with the extra blank lines. So I'm completely stumped on this. All I can think of is that you have some sort of room scripts that might be doing this. Turning off Triggers will not turn off any room scripts. Not sure how to really test that on your system. But the blank lines are appearing exactly where the GMCP data is being processed, which can move you to the room on the mapper and cause your room scripts to execute. So that's all I can think of that would be different between your session and mine.
Since you said this only happens when the mapper is open, that is all I can think of.
To test this, you would need to create a new session for your MUD with no scripts in it. Then create a new map for it and start moving around. Let me know if you can reproduce the problem in a completely new session. |
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:39 pm |
Well the problem is I don't have any room scripts. The only script I had was a trigger firing on the room name and capturing the next line for the description. BUT even that trigger is only capturing like half the description when the problem occurs because it is being broken in half right where the GMCP data is, or at least that is what is showing in the Debug window. I don't have any room scripts running. Also this map was completely brand new. I had just made it. Additionally it only happens after the buffer fills up. I'm also not the only person having the issue.
I read the test.txt raw in an untitled and it didn't happen. It's not even exhibiting the same behavior that happens.
I'm going to make a test session and connect. Will get back to you on the results. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:43 pm |
Hey, this is interesting. I starting playing Aardwolf today and I was able to get the problem to occur.
It only seems to happen when I speedwalk more than one step at a time. If I move manually then it doesn't happen. But if I start clicking on the map, then I see it.
Still not sure what's causing it, but at least I can see the problem here now. |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:53 pm |
What really sucks about this is that as soon as I set a breakpoint in my code to try and debug this, then the problem goes away! So this is going to be a real pain to track down without my debugger.
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:02 pm |
I can confirm it happens in a completely new test session with no triggers or script at all while I am creating a brand new map.
Code: |
3783h, 3540m cexdb-l
Fish Street.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. Heading west out of the main throng of the city, Zanzibaar turns onto Fish Street, a narrow and ancient street, winding and weaving like a gnarled old man through the bustling city. On either side of the street, small stalls, far less impressive than those of the Medina, offer their goods, which consist mainly of the fruits of the river. The street takes its name from its proximity to the docks of Shallam, once the founding force of a city that grew from a tiny fishing village. At the western end of Fish Street, which curves slightly, are the western gates of the city that look out over the ancient wooden jetties and onto the great expanse of the river: a timeless reminder of the energy and proliferation of life that gave birth to this magnificent city. Gleaming slightly, a steel shortsword is here. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. There are 2 key-shaped sigils in 2 groups here. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Resplendent in Shallamese livery, an herald stands here ready to share the news. There are 2 bait buckets here. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently. Lying on its side here is a dark glass bottl
e. A grizzled old rat sits here, fearlessly. A black oak rocker with a covering of leather is here. A steel-plated bench is here. Brother Jing, Sentaari Pilgrim is here. He wields a Druidic quarterstaff in both hands. Havyn Crescent-Fuil'gra is here. She wields an elemental staff in her left hand. You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east (closed door), southeast (closed door), south (closed door), southwest (open door), and west.
3783h, 3540m cexdb- |
That's what it looks like after I click on the screen. Before I click on the screen so it will all show up about 3 lines before the break are hidden as if the screen was folded and it unfolds when I click on the screen. |
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:07 pm |
Ah nice you posted before my post went through. Well at least you can see it happening now. It's something to do with having the map open for sure. I had this new one in mapping mode and on slow walk at the time. Was trying everything. I think last time it was in slow walk. However, it happens all the time to me once it starts happening it doesn't stop after that. Even if I do "look" as above or simply move a single room it does it.
oldguy2 Wizard
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 1201
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:27 pm |
Hmm look at this. Is this right?
Code: |
0.0002 | a TEST ]3783h, 3540m cexdb-
4.0993 | ---
0.0005 | a TEST |3783h, 3540m cexdb-l
0.0064 | i TEST >l<CR><LF>
0.3894 | i TEST <<ESC>[33mFish Street<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m.<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <ESC>[37m<ESC>[36mThe stars twinkle in the clear night sky.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;30m Heading west out of the main throng of the city, Zanzibaar turns onto Fish Street, a narrow and ancient street, winding and weaving like a gnarled old man through the bustling city. On either side of the street, small stalls, far less impressive than those of the Medina, offer their goods, which consist mainly of the fruits of the river. The street takes its name from its proximity to the docks of Shallam, once the founding force of a city that grew from a tiny fishing village. At the western end of Fish Street, which curves slightly, are the western gates of the city that look out over the ancient wooden jetties and onto the great expanse of the river: a timeless reminder of the energy and proliferation of life that gave birth to this magnificent city.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[36m Gleaming slightly, a steel shortsword is here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 2 key-shaped sigils in 2 groups here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Resplendent in Shallamese livery, an herald stands here ready to share the news.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m There are 2 bait buckets here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m Lying on its side here is a dark glass bottl
0.0002 | a TEST |Fish Street.
0.1998 | i TEST <e.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A giant tortoise sits here like a rock.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m The shining figure of a guardian angel floats in the air here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[36m A black oak rocker with a covering of leather is here. A steel-plated bench is here.<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;36m Patriarch Halos Vorondil, Mayan Prelate is riding on a giant tortoise. He wields an Odyssean mace in his left hand and a Shield of Absorption bearing the House arms of the Empyreal Assembly in his right.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[33m You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <ESC>[33mYou see exits leading<ESC>[37m<ESC>[33m north, northeast, east (closed door), southeast (closed door), south (closed door), southwest (open door), and west.<ESC>[37m<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 2096, "name": "Fish Street", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,0,0,0,1004", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=1004&level=0 13 0", "details": [ "subdivision" ], "exits": { "n": 2121, "ne": 2057, "e": 4888, "se": 3852, "s": 3693, "sw": 3725, "w": 2171 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "3783", "maxhp": "3540", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "16600", "maxep": "16600", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "41", "string": "H:3783/3540 M:3540/3540 E:16600/16600 W:16600/16600 NL:41/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[32m3783h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m3540m <ESC>[37mcexdb-<IAC><EOR>
0.0000 | a TEST #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 2096, "name": "Fish Street", "area": "Shallam", "environment": "Urban", "coords": "19,0,0,0,1004", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=19&building=1004&level=0 13 0", "details": [ "subdivision" ], "exits": { "n": 2121, "ne": 2057, "e": 4888, "se": 3852, "s": 3693, "sw": 3725, "w": 2171 } }
0.0003 | a TEST #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "3783", "maxhp": "3540", "mp": "3540", "maxmp": "3540", "ep": "16600", "maxep": "16600", "wp": "16600", "maxwp": "16600", "nl": "41", "string": "H:3783/3540 M:3540/3540 E:16600/16600 W:16600/16600 NL:41/100 " }
0.0013 | a TEST | e. A giant tortoise sits here like a rock. The shining figure of a guardian angel floats in the air here. A black oak rocker with a covering of leather is here. A steel-plated bench is here. Patriarch Halos Vorondil, Mayan Prelate is riding on a giant tortoise. He wields an Odyssean mace in his left hand and a Shield of Absorption bearing the House arms of the Empyreal Assembly in his right. You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.
0.0008 | a TEST |You see exits leading north, northeast, east (closed door), southeast (closed door), south (closed door), southwest (open door), and west.
0.0002 | a TEST ]3783h, 3540m cexdb-
16.197 | i TEST <<ESC>[1;35m<CR><LF> |
(a) is what is being displayed/processed right? Notice how where it displays the room name is right where it breaks. But looking at this I don't see the first half of the line being displayed. I see input coming from the MUD then it displays the room name, then the rest of the room description on (i), then the GMCP data, and then it displays on (a) the second half of the room info where it broke on "bottl e". I do not see the part where it should have "a TEST | The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. blah blah". Actually all the examples I posted so far where it breaks the paragraph in half does the same thing. |
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