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Joined: 22 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:47 pm   

How cmud pages/text aligns needs work
Make it so I can finally scrap my mudmaster 2000, cause screens to be aligned the same or make it so pages overwrite another.

when I type look in medievia:

Blood, brains, and other organs are hanging from everything possible...
(9) The corpse of the vile rat lies here rotting.
There is a bright ball of light on the ground here.
A large fountain is here gurgling out an endless stream of water.
Squire Acelte the Great Patriarch is here.
Marquesse Artindoril Thief of The White Rose is here.
Farnzworth the Avatar of a Supremity is here.
An Appaloosa is sitting here.
A wild horse belonging to Florette, tethered to a post, is resting here.

<882hp 362m 610mv 100br -r>

if I do a #50 look in zmud the lines jerk up the page, when it should overwrite the text in the exact same location if I'm spamming look I'm not doing it to read the text, rather its to see immeadiately when anything in the room as changes, for example a player comes by the room when I'm watching while others are in cpk.

This doesn't require an extended discussion or 20 reasons why it doesn't matter, until I can get a zugg product to page as fast and in the same spot and text alignment like I can with mudmaster 2000, I'll never take zmud/cmud into cpk.

You have a great product, but sometimes the need for speed and text alignment outweigh everything. PLEASE try mudmaster 2000 so you get a feel for what I'm saying and BEAT IT on speed, or give me a menu so I can tweak it so its 100% speed for those rare situtions where speed matters most!

Keep in mind it may not be a speed issue, more likely its programatically how cmud writes to the screen.
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Joined: 29 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:42 am   
nope but it does need comments.


if I do a #50 look in zmud the lines jerk up the page, when it should overwrite the text in the exact same location if I'm spamming look I'm not doing it to read the text, rather its to see immeadiately when anything in the room as changes, for example a player comes by the room when I'm watching while others are in cpk.

if you are trying to repeat the command look 50 times and expecting the text to stay in exactly the same place i think thats unrealistic however its scriptable to do what you want it to do . Also page length can help with this. Since things are often sent in blocks.


for example a player comes by the room when I'm watching while others are in cpk

Easily scripted.

#trigger {(%w) enters the room} {whatever you want to do to make it more noticable}

If you are doing it to see if they snuck in the room a better way would be to use your circle of fire etc spells or abilities to track them. where helps too. theres a lot of abilites and doing #50 look is mud intensive. laggy to the server and in general just bad practice. there are other ways.

Personally that would be extremely intensive for me as i can go through 100-200 rooms in less than a minute and things change CONSTANTLY in any room mi do sit in. Channels etc.

Its a shame to see that you feel that is so unwelcome that you wouldnt consider trying zmud/cmud out. i use then in CPK all the time and never have a problem on both medivia and on materiamagica. we script things to help when its spammy but we also move things out of the main window tells/auctions/shouts/yells. We script our successes. BLIND SUCCEEDED so we catch what we really need to know. I have even scripted a sample of what you are talking about where it takes the lines and just subs the data into a window exactly like you are talking about and it never scrolls just replaces the text. however i found that to run much slower and less efficient and i tended to be behind my combatant that way. With the scrolling method i tend to be more in time with the real time combat of it.

I would suggest to you go ahead try out zmud and figure out the settings and options and see how it goes. after all CPK isnt everything either its a facet. I know in cpk i turn off all my aliases and triggers with the sole exception of whats needed for cpk for a speed boost i even change my view to superbrief so i have no lag from anything ..

Overall to have it replace the text over and over IMO is un-necessary. You are talking about a specialized pk location sneaking script that is needed where you can do what you want to do and catch someone sneaking by you. There are much better ways IMO. I hope you will reconsider and take the time to try out the other features in zmud/cmud that make this more possible than ever now.


Flyout window (ROOM TRACKER) docked to the right side of the main window with a trigger to capture room entries and exits would show
Bob has entered the room
bob has left the room
a dracolich has entered the room.
a dracolich has left the room.
end flyout window

with no problem no scrolling text might even be better than what you are used to. You arent talking programmatic speed here. You want to spam a server to death so you can instantaneously track a person or event occurance in a situation where its not immediatly detectable. The problem here is something you should take up with your mud maker and mention to them that either a.) they need to add some ability to track ppl or b find a way to track them where you dont have to spam the server to death. I can only imagine 250 people doing this at one time. talk about server lag.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:03 pm   Compare with mudmaster
Scripts are ineffective for the desired behavior. Give me an option to make zmud recieve info from the game as the same way mudmaster2k does it fast and simple no scripting or digging for hours to find a magic setting. #50 look doesn't scroll it just sits still, if anything moves or changes then it sticks out like a sore thumb.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:46 pm   
Post a screenshot of your mudmaster setup so we can see what you're trying to get at?
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Joined: 22 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:02 am   Picture

This is what I get when I /50 look.

If a common person were to see it spam look 50 times he would believe that I spammed look 3 times, there is no bluring effect from fast scrolling text, it appears absoutely static even though on scrollback it appears 50 times.

To make sure nothing has entered the room all that is required is to fix ones eyes on the the space between The Pit of Darkest Night and CPK[...], it will immeadiately change (or flash change if someone runs through). Its significantly easier for a human eye and mind to look for a change in a 1inxin1 square compared to the effort of digesting scrolling text that is moving too fast to read.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:17 am   
Interesting, what happens if you change the refresh amount to 19 (instead of its default of 5)? I haven't found the setting in CMUD yet, but in zMUD it's under preferences -> general -> user interface.

Also, are you using the same font in zMUD as in mudmaster?

I don't really have the same sort of MUD to test it on, but CMUD does #50 look pretty quickly for me, but I can see it scrolling as opposed to sitting in the same spot.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:40 am   
Probably would also need to have your screen size just right so it appears not to move. If it is off then it will flicker and move.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:47 am   
Just so I understand, if someone were to run through the area while you are spam looking, would something appear on the blank line at the bottom, then blip through the other two blank lines above it?

Why is this more desirable than a trigger?
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Joined: 29 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:59 am   
it would appear or at least in my experience with the mud people sneak. he is trying to catch them instead of tracking them. Its understandable and might even be valid its not something we encourage on any of the muds i play due to server wear. When it can be accomplished through triggers.

However i believe rainchild has hit on part of it. He is more worried about the speed of the test processed. Instead of our normal scrolling which we are used to he wants it to appear static. its not really speed. thats whats funny to me. Its a method of writing the text to the window i think. I downloaded mud master to test this and i still see blinking and movement but between those 3 looks it only flashes it doesnt scroll. because the information is exactly the same.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:38 pm   
To Mr_kent: This is more desireable than a trigger because it is as flexible as the human mind and does not require hard coding setups taylored to need of every cpk room in the game.
Even if it could be coded it could be outsmarted by a player, and I want player v player interaction. And yes the text does *blip* in an almost radar fashion, the real world equivlent would be seeing a flash of an object out of the corner of your eye, yet to quick to know immeadiately what it is.

In reponse to edb6377, medievia uses less than 15% of processor and less than 40% of total bandwidth capacity. From a coding perspective it is a work of art. So it is beyond necessity or courtesy to worry about lagging out the server.

In reponse to rainchild I spent about 3 hours before ever posting, playing with the refresh amount in zmud, and also tried changing screen resolution sizes, I was unable to get the desired effect in zmud.
Medievia uses its own font so that can be considered a control variable.

I am no uber-programmer, but I believe the issue rests on the difference in function choice that zugg uses to write and update the screen. I am requesting that he provide the user with an alternative way for cmud to write to screen in a way similar to mm2k. MM2k can't do heavy lifting like zmud but something about the way it recieves i/o just gets into the program and on the screen faster than zmud, and zugg has more time and resource to make a great product then the small volenteer group that make mm2k ever will.

BTW mm2k code is available on sourceforge
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:37 pm   
You don't need to max out processor/memory usage or network bandwidth on a machine to cause lag in one application. If an application isn't good at multi-tasking or if individual sockets get backlogged, you'll notice delays.

I have noticed flickering in zMUD's text display, but often times it's not actually because of the text itself. If I get rid of buttons or code triggers more efficiently, I notice significant improvements to my text refresh rate. zMUD is capable of doing things very well. You just need to know how to maximize the performance through your configuration, I think.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:13 pm   Re: How cmud pages/text aligns needs work
ka: I believe that your request is valid. Maybe Zugg can/will implement a change/option to mimic the behavior of mm2k. However, without more of a reason than one person (who arguably is engaging in behavior viewed by many as irresponsible and, again arguably, downright problematic if mimicked by many users) wants that certain behavior supported, I doubt we'll see your proposed change implemented as standard behavior.

Zugg is very proud of zMUD's (and CMUD's) scrolling capabilities and refresh rate and I believe a majority of users would/will opt for raw speed over format and appearance.

ka wrote:
until I can get a zugg product to page as fast and in the same spot and text alignment like I can with mudmaster 2000, I'll never take zmud/cmud into cpk.

You have a great product, but sometimes the need for speed and text alignment outweigh everything. PLEASE try mudmaster 2000 so you get a feel for what I'm saying and BEAT IT on speed, or give me a menu so I can tweak it so its 100% speed for those rare situtions where speed matters most!

Keep in mind it may not be a speed issue, more likely its programatically how cmud writes to the screen.

This is almost definitely a procedural/appearance issue and not speed related at all. I would be surprised to find that zMUD/CMUD is not able to display your spam scroll much faster (and in addition process any triggers/scripts that result in notification of movement through a room - functionally the same as what you have now) than mm2k.

Maybe Zugg will find your request to be an easy addition/change to make. He does seem to try to satisfy everyone's wishes.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:31 pm   
This option isn't in CMUD yet, but in zMUD, set the Refresh Amount to ZERO and that should accomplish what you want. This makes zMUD use essentially the same method that MM2k uses as far as I can tell. Most people prefer to *see* the text scrolling and not just suddenly "switch" to the new text. Also, when set to zero, zMUD gives high priority to incoming network traffic and only updates the screen when it has finished receiving the text, so if you get lots of text from the MUD or have slow triggers, then you might notice a pause before the screen updates, which I find more annoying.

Also keep in mind that because zMUD has to parse a lot more options, such as MXP, there is no way it's ever going to be as fast for raw text as a simple client like MM2k. Once you start MUDding you will discover that thinks like trigger processing are the real bottleneck and not the raw scrolling speed. zMUD already has a raw scrolling speed of more than 500 FPS, which is more than anyone can read anyway.

I'll try to put an option into CMUD to be equivalent to the Refresh Amount = 0 option in zMUD.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:46 pm   
500 feet per second?! Holy cow!
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 29 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:45 pm   
Frames Per Second? Feet Per Second?
Its faster than i can see in any case :P
Confucious say "Bugs in Programs need Hammer"
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