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Joined: 22 May 2006
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:53 am   

Proxies and zmud
hey guys just after some advice. I have used a socks5 proxy on another client and it will work, but when using it on Zmud it wont connect.
Is there some info that others are willing to share that i may be unaware of.
Thanks for any advice
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Joined: 29 Nov 2005
Posts: 482

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:46 pm   
Zugg said:
>SOCKS5 is actually a superset of SOCKS4. It's the same as SOCKS4 with proxy >support for UDP added. zMUD doesn't use UDP, so it doesn't need SOCKS5. There >isn't support for a proxy server that you need to log into with a >username/password except for the direct Telnet proxy support (this is the >first request for it in 5 years, so that tells you how common >username/password proxies are).

Some people are connected to the Internet via a Proxy Server or Firewall. Support for SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 compatible Proxy Servers, regular Telnet Proxy servers, and WWW Proxy Hosts is built in. To configure zMUD for these types of connections, select the Preferences option in the Edit menu at the main Character screen, or select Preferences while inside zMUD. Go to the Proxy settings page. Select whether you are using a SOCKS4, SOCKS5, Telnet proxy, or WWW Proxy. SOCKS4 is the preferred option and is supported by most modern firewalls. Simply enter the hostname or IP address of the Proxy server, along with the port that its SOCKS4 service runs on, which is usually 1080. If your server requires a username to connect, enter the proper name into the username field.

For a Telnet Proxy, enter the hostname or IP address of the Telnet Proxy server, along with the port that it is running on, which is usually port 23. Then you need to specify the command needed by your Telnet Proxy to connect to an outside MUD. Usually this command is just the MUD host name and the MUD port number, separated by a space. Use the %host variable for the hostname and the %port variable for the port number. Any other variables or zMUD functions may be used in this command to form a proper command to send to the proxy server to connect you.

Note that for any of the Proxy server setup to function, you must have DNS installed and running properly on your computer. Check with your Network or System Administrator to ensure that this is set up properly
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