Zugg |
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:24 pm
Wish-list for zMUDXP |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:47 pm |
Quote: |
My next suggestion is a way to break out of a loop when a condition is met. That's the main reason I can't do my smart spell translations script.
#ABORT. To completely stop the script, use #ABORT 1. |
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nexela Wizard

Joined: 15 Jan 2002 Posts: 1644 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:25 pm |
Quote: |
Another suggestion is grouping in the character screen, I've at current not only got my chars, but the characters of two friends who are on extended leaves from the game. I'd like to be able to group them so that way I can goto my group, select from my chars, etc. |
This can already be accomplished, Right click on the char selection screen and click New->Folder |
OmegaDeus Apprentice

Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 121
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 12:54 am |
MattLofton wrote: |
Quote: |
My next suggestion is a way to break out of a loop when a condition is met. That's the main reason I can't do my smart spell translations script.
#ABORT. To completely stop the script, use #ABORT 1. |
I'm not looking for a way to stop the whole script, just to leap out of the current loop, like say i've got three loops nested and something hits in the third, and after that i no longer need to be in the third, but head back into the second, i'd like to break from the current loop |
Look at me I've got zSKILLS |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:25 am |
I answered your question directly, Omega. What you are looking for is #ABORT, or to be more completely specific, #ABORT 0. #ABORT or #ABORT 0 will break you immediately out of the currently-executing code block, while #ABORT 1 will stop the entire script.
Wizards read the helpfiles, too, you know.  |
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
OmegaDeus Apprentice

Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 121
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:54 am |
well you didn't explain that before
[edit]I tested the abort, and it only seems to break out of my if statement is it supposed to break just the if, or is it supposed to break the loop the if is contained in? If it just breaks the if, then i still suggest a break that is specific to breaking the loop not just the if. |
Look at me I've got zSKILLS |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:24 am |
#ABORT is limited to the current code-block, whether it's an #IF condition or something else like #loop or #forall. There's no way for #ABORT to know about nested code-blocks, so it's either all or one.
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seamer Magician
Joined: 26 Feb 2001 Posts: 358 Location: Australia
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 5:04 am |
What you could do is just add things you want to cast into a variable, and do something along the lines of #forall @var_name {cast "%i"}
_________________ Active contributer to coffeemud.net, the advanced java-based mud system. |
galldron Novice
Joined: 08 Nov 2002 Posts: 34 Location: Elanthia
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:56 am |
Support for simutronics new stormfront abilities that is a bit easier to work with
_________________ My typing skills are second lowest only to my coding skills!
~~Galldron |
xenapan Wanderer
Joined: 26 May 2004 Posts: 68
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:52 pm |
not really an important idea or anything but it would save some time: the current characters window tends to be a little bit buggy in displaying the marked as old (you often have to edit, and save to see the ones marked as old).
also, theres a problem with selecting chars (sometimes, it chooses my layout which is where it defaults as) and loads the layout instead of chars. not tested extensively but it tends to happen when i need to log a char fast and instead i get a bunch of chars which are prolly connected and it makes a big mess.
this is 7.13 but i havent had time to try the new version yet *has been busy mudding* |
_________________ Player on Realms of Despair. realms.game.org port 4000. Join us today! |
Zhiroc Adept
Joined: 04 Feb 2005 Posts: 246
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:08 am |
Maybe I just use it differently than other people, but I've found I really dislike the current window model.
The way I like to set up a window for a game is to have two windows, a main one and a chat one that is tiled above it. This works fine, as long as I play only one character. If I open another game set up the same way, it replaces this layout, and I can toggle between the two using the Window menu. OK, that works too.
But what I really want is to have a 2nd window set created on my screen, so I can see both simultaneously. If I drag the window away it creates a "pseudo new window"--the chat window stays behind however, and the window that is created can't be minimized to the task bar. If I drag the chat window away, it forms another pseudo-window. I can't seem to tile these two windows to get what I want when I start it alone--if I try, I get tabbed windows.
And when I do this, I run into some sort of bug where I lose the first windows I had. The old main window now has nothing but a menu and toolbar, with no text panes. Selecting the old window from the window menu does nothing.
What I want when I start a new character is to have another full window set pop up, using the layout I had saved. |
Driver256 Newbie
Joined: 21 Oct 2005 Posts: 8
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:03 am |
I am very interested in ZmudXP.
- accurate floating point math
- numbers > 32 bits (long doubles would be nice)
- proper SQL database engine and interface
- all the little quirky window, menu, focus, status bar, etc. issues fixed (ie. a non-hacked windows GUI -- I assume these are due to legacy OS support)
And, yes, at the risk of flogging a dead horse: a Linux port. All the fancy windows GUI and mapper would not be needed. Just give me basic ZMud 7.21 level functionality with script compatibility. I realize that you will use ZApp for many functions, but that is for the GUI mainly, no? If the logic in your library of basic routines is sound, then it could be reworked to compile for Linux. Windows really does suck.
Mainly, though, give me accurate math and support for big numbers.
Thanks. |

Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:02 pm |
Have #PROMPT, #MESSAGE and #YESNO handle multi-line text better. Although I think this will be implicitly by switching to a zApp interface.
_________________ Asati di tempari! |
rweiss Beginner
Joined: 15 Jan 2005 Posts: 13
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:42 pm FTP |
-Give the FTP window the same docking/keep-on-top options as the other windows.
-Once connected, (and once the editor is more powerful!), give an option on right-click to open a file in the zmud editor, or also be able to click and drag it into the editor, or also be able to drag it into another window/folder in another window.
- BUG - When I try to click and drag a file to the right-side on my computer, it gives me 'TProgressBar property out of range.' |
Pseudo Wanderer
Joined: 25 Oct 2005 Posts: 99
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:12 am |
A fully featured shortcut wizard. This is different than the #key command.
I'm looking to be able to redefine commands already defined by zmud such as the infamous Ctrl+B.
Try hitting it sometime after you've written a large script by accident while going for Ctrl+V.  |
Ingebord Newbie
Joined: 11 Jun 2005 Posts: 7 Location: Wales, United Kingdom
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:48 pm |
An equivalent key to 'alt+tab' between character windows open on Zmud would be really useful, if lazy 
Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:11 pm |
If memory serves, Ctrl-N will cycle through the windows
Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:11 pm |
The ability to minimise zMud to the system tray would be nice. I know there's a plugin available, but I imagine it'd not be hard work to add it as a standard option.
Maybe even a Boss key...?
Whilst I'm on the subject, in WinXP when you have too many windows of the same app open then it'll group them in the taskbar - how about the option to group all zmud windows as one icon, then select which window to from there if it's in the taskbar... |
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q6600, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8800GT
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Krule Adept
Joined: 12 Nov 2000 Posts: 268 Location: Canada
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:31 am |
ctrl-tab does that, no?
Vodoc Apprentice
Joined: 11 Apr 2003 Posts: 119 Location: Sweden
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:01 am |
Edited: Should read all posts before replying.
Kiasyn Apprentice

Joined: 05 Dec 2004 Posts: 196 Location: New Zealand
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:56 am |
Something I would really like to see:
Something like a data record but with the ability to hold more than one value.
#additem wholist Bob {Mage|Pixie}
etc... |
nexela Wizard

Joined: 15 Jan 2002 Posts: 1644 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:31 pm |
You can have a stringlist as a value in a datarecord already
#ADDITEM wholist.bob {Mage}
#ADDITEM wholist.bob {Pixie} |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:36 pm |
We also have nested stringlists.
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
OmegaDeus Apprentice

Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 121
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:21 am |
I'm kinda sick of mice, and use mostly my keyboard to navigate. So I'd like to suggest that when in the character selection screen, please please please change it so that when i hit enter on a folder instead of opening a blank mud window, have it open the folder.
Look at me I've got zSKILLS |
patryn Apprentice
Joined: 26 Sep 2001 Posts: 124
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:49 am My Wishlist Summary |
Santa... I would like ...
Wish #1
Currently I use just one oninput trigger which checks everything inputted to the mud, and accordingly processes it depending on the type of room I am in. The processing of each inputed command causes a 'lot' of the mud output to bypass/miss out on trigger proccessing.
I can see two available solutions:
1. Have the #oninput triggers function on a seperate processing thread to the standard pattern triggers. As it is, if you're speed walking and you have set up zmud to utilize #oninput triggers, a lot of the pattern triggers get skipped.
2. Alternatively, make onipnut triggers obsolete by implementing RegEx Aliases. I believe this would by pass most of the problems that OnInput Triggers currently cause.
Note: I would pay full price for the new ZmudXp just for the ability to process commands without interfering with the processing mud output.
Wish #2:
I have idea'd/posted about this a long-long time ago.
What I would like is a method where both slow and fast walk work at the same time and are represented on the mapper at the same time.
Basically at the moment there is only '1' blue marker on your zmud mapper which shows your position on the map. What I would like is to have the option to turn on fast walk mode, and have a marker work off that, and then also turn on slow walk mode and have another 'marker work off that.
What does this accomplish? Well the 'Fastwalk' marker would allow you to see what your current destination is, where as the 'Slowwalk' marker would show you where your current position on the mud is.
To take things further a function which assigns a custom marker to a room would also be extremely handy. This would allow users to create an infinate number of markers for all sorts of things.
Example: %roommarker(<roomnum>,<{colour}|reset>)
Where the first parameter is the room you want to manipulate, and the second defines the colour of the marker.
If 'reset' is defined as the second argument then the marker is removed.
Wish #3:
Temporary Room flagging. (Something similar has already been mentioned)
Basically this would consist of a sort of 'mouse over hint' field for each room with a flag which room that allows the user to leave the mouseover hint permanently on.
A function which changes this value is also obviously a must if any script is to make use of it.
Eg: %mouseover(<roomum>,[string]) - Sets or returns the mouseover string.
This functionality could be used to track things in nearby rooms, or even allow players to create search functions which will immediately show them what they are looking for graphically.
Example 1: There are some muds which have output for adjacent (nearby) rooms. Scripting would allow changes in adjacent rooms to be represented graphically using these mouseover hints. These hints could also be made to fade away after a designated number of seconds.
Example 2: If you're tracking something specific, you would be able to see on the map exactly where your target is.
Note: Someone has already mentioned that alternate room properties could be displayed at the click of a mouse. Click 'show roomnames' to show all room names. etc. (An excellent idea)
This idea differs as it allows you to choose specific rooms which you want the details for.
Wish #4:
A variable in the mapper config which allows you to manually set the distance between rooms, when mapping.
It is common that outoor rooms and indoor rooms are different sizes on MUD's. At the moment the most efficient way to get around this (afaik) is to map all the outside rooms first. Then manually increase the distance between all of them using the mouse.
(An automated feature that does this would also be great).
Then map the indoor rooms which are typically a lot smaller then the outdoor ones.
Wish #5
Allow the Mapper window to be 'tabbed'. In this way it would be easy enough to layer the mapper on top of other windows and toggle through the tabs to easily check various windows.
Example: At the moment I have the Main Output window, with the Mapper to the top right, and about 12 tabbed child windows to the bottom left of the screen. I can easily tab through (using macro) the tabbed child windows. I would like to be able to tab the Mapper Window as well, as this would free up more screen space.
Wish #6
What I would like to be able to do is to have a set of pre-contstructed maps (created by other users in .jpeg format usually) tabbed within one of the zmud child windows, and be able to tab through these maps at the hit of a macro key.
At the moment this is done by opening all maps within Maxthon, and tabbing through that. This howerver takes focus off Zmud
I guess, what could be done is implement a sort of child window within zmud which could allow for browsers and other programs to be run from within it.
Wish #7
Adusting the Semantic/Syntax checker so that it recognizes the following code as valid within the script editor:
Code: |
ChildWindow1:#show hi |
For the moment, the semantic/syntax checker does not recognize that commands are allowed after a focus character.
Wish #8
We are all aware that the Help file system needs a bit of work, even though it is already full of a great deal of helpful information.
What I would like to see if functionality within Zmud where you can quickly and efficiently write up/edit already existing help files, and 'post' it to somewhere for later review.
The reviewing could be done by a select group of ZMud users, and they would decide whether the ammendments/additions of the help files are of good enough quality to be added to the help file system.
This would allow users to actually contribute to the updating of the Help file system, thereby saving Zugg a lot of time which can be put towards other useful things.
Something like an 'edit' and 'post' button within the help system. Should do the trick. The reviewing could be done in a forum where only a few people have access to.
(Something similar to the Developers area - The Help File area?)
Wish #9
Ammend the #cw functionality (if possible) so that code similar to the following will colour different words, different colours within the same line:
Code: |
#trig {(@playerList)} {
#if %ismember(%1,@PriestList) {#cw Blue}
#if %ismember(%1,@WarriorList) {#cw Red}
} |
At the moment, if there is a priest and a warrior on the same line, the one that comes first will be the colour that is used. This means that if the priest comes first in the line, then the priest will be coloured blue, and so will the warrior.
Wishes Already Mentioned by others:
1.) Ability to search through un-active states of multistate triggers. At the moment only the active state is searched/filtered.
2.) A find and replace option in the script editor window. This would save time porting to notepad and doing 'find/replace' functions in there, then porting back.
3.) Highlighting function blocks within the script editor when the cursor is in (or next to) a function block. This would save hours and hours script debugging, specially for new users.
4.) Built in HTML logging. Charbals converter is pretty good, but something internal would be nice. Even just intergrating Charal's HTML converter into Zmud would be ok. (With his permission of course.)
5.) The ability to write 'anything' to 'anywhere' would be very handy for organizing/distributing and managing multiple logs/scripts and backups.
Why? Because then you can have multiple copies of Zmud on different machines (in different countries) with a centralized storage area for your scripts/settings etc.
6.) An option within preferences to show ansi codes. Much like 'show mxp' for debugging mxp.
7.) Multiple Room Descriptions per room. (A maximum of four should cover most scenario's, but it could also be made dynamic)
8.) An extra view/function which will show all triggers numbered in their processing order.
(I know it is currently possible to see this by adjusting the view to sort by none, but actual numbering would be helpful)
9.) Support in the ctrl+f find function (to search through the scrollback) for regex syntax would be extremely handy.
10.) Optional Case flags for functions such as %match, %regex, %ismember, %pos, %replace, (etc). Basically any function that searches.
Example: %pos(<s1>,<s2>,[caseflag])
Where s1 is the search pattern
s2 is the string to search through,
and 'caseFlag' is a 0 or 1 (defaults 0) and is used to determine if the search takes Casing into account.
11.) A trigger option where you can define regex expressions for things a trigger should NOT trigger on. This could be done simply by inputting regex expressions within a custom string list, and providing the trigger setttings with that string list name.
(Saves having to re-code same 'do not trigger' regex expressions for multiple triggers.)
12.) Extend #abort functionality. '#abort 0' (or just #abort) stops the current block of execution. '#abort 1' stops the entire script.
What would be good to see if something like '#abort -d' where 'd' is the number of blocks to abort out of.
This will allow #if blocks to check a condition and then abort out of a loop.
(If this is not possible a 'goto' function would do. Yes I know it could get messy.)
Example: '#abort -3' would skip out of the current block, the block outside that one, and the block outside of that one. Then proceed processing.
That about sums it up for me.
Just to clarify: RegEx Aliases *thumbs up*
Thanks Santa. I've been a very good boy this year. |
_________________ That which does not kill us, makes us stronger. |
nexela Wizard

Joined: 15 Jan 2002 Posts: 1644 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 3:27 am |
For Wish #9 Take a look at #PCOL
For Wish #5 The mapper can be Tabbed
For Wish #8 You can post comments to the Knowledge base on this site already
For Wish mentioned somewhere #6 This is also possible, its one of the prefrences somewhere |