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Joined: 07 Aug 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:59 am   

speed menus
So far I've gotten the menu part down..i think. Now to get it to actualy do something. What I want this to do is add a trigger (in a particular class folder) to highlight a name with MXP. Heres what I have so far.

#CLASS {Highlight}
#TRIGGER {Also here: (*)} {#sub {<color #FF6600>Also here: %1</color>}}
#TRIGGER {You say,} {#sub {<color #33FF08>You say,</color>}}
#TRIGGER {You also see (*).} {#sub {<color #7B3900>You also see %1.</color>}}
#TRIGGER {(*) says,} {#sub {<color #33FF08>%1 says,</color>}}
#TRIGGER {(*) asks,} {#sub {<color #33FF08>%1 asks,</color>}}
#TRIGGER {Obvious ({exits|paths}): (*)} {#sub {<color #2108D6>Obvious %1: %2</color>}}
#TRIGGER {You ask,} {#sub {<color #33FF08>You ask,</color>}}
#TRIGGER {(*) exclaims,} {#sub {<color #33FF08>%1 exclaims,</color>}}
#TRIGGER {You exclaim,} {#sub {<color #33FF08>You exclaim,</color>}}
#MENU {Highlight} {} "" {Highlight Menu}
#CLASS {Highlight|names}
#CLASS {Highlight|names|friends}
#CLASS {Highlight|Highlight Menu} {menu}
#MENU {Names} {} "" {name Menu}
#CLASS {Highlight|Highlight Menu|Name Menu} {menu}
#MENU {Highlight %selword as a friend} {#trigger {%selword}{#sub {<color #2108E7>%selword</color>}}} ""

This keeps creating a trigger named: {%selword}{#sub {color #2108E7%selword/color}}

How can I get it to create a trigger (in a specific folder) based on what %selword is?

Thanks alot..yet again :)

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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 1:25 am   
#CLASS {Highlight|Highlight Menu|Name Menu} {menu}
#MENU {Highlight %selword as a friend} {#EXEC %concat("#trigger {",%selword,"} {#sub {<color #2108E7>",%selword,"</color>}}")} ""

Since it looks like you plan on having menu items for names as you add them I would suggest you rethink how to do it. Speed menus are highly limited on what they can display. If you only plan to have the menu item for that specific name remove itself and the trigger then you should be fine, but if you want to make it toggle highlighting of that person then you should redesign to a multistate button, and even that would be an excedingly complex script.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 1:44 am   
Nah, nothing complex like that. I just want it to create a new trigger exactly like this:
#TRIGGER {Stregone} {#sub {<color #2108E7>Stregone</color>}}

But instead of "Stregone" put whatever %selword happens to be. Is it possible to get it to create this trigger in the highlight>names>friends folder, instead of the root folder? (to keep it organized)

I'm also going to add submenus like this(once I get this one working), each highlighting in a different color:
highlight>name>highlight %selword as a healer
highlight>name>highlight %selword as a locksmith
highlight>object>highlight %selword as a gem
highlight>object>highlight %selword as a magic item

and prolly some others I haven't thought of yet. And again, thanks. hehe :)

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 2:17 am   
You left out a space.
#MENU {Highlight %selword as a friend} {#trigger {%selword}{#sub {<color #2108E7>%selword</color>}}} ""
#MENU {Highlight %selword as a friend} {#trigger {%selword} {#sub {<color #2108E7>%selword</color>}}} ""
This will make a trigger that works, but not the one you want.

I usually use list-variables for this sort of thing, rather than individual triggers.
#TR {{@friends}} {#CW #2108E7}
So the menu becomes
#MENU {Highlight %selword as a friend} {#ADDI friends %selword}

By the way, it's usually better NOT to use the forum's [ code ] tag. It interferes with
both word-wrap and cut-and-paste.

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Joined: 07 Aug 2001
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 2:40 am   
Ah, now thats a fantastic idea :) Say, does the rgb coloring work with #color and #cw? The helpfiles didn't mention it at all so I assumed not.

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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 3:16 am   
Try it and find out.
No, the helpfiles don't mention it but I saw a reference to using HTML colors in the new
command #PCOL. Since that's similar to the older #CW and #COLOR commands, I figured the
new colors might work with them also, and it turns out they do.

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Joined: 12 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:06 am   
Is this completed? or in working form? looks like a great highlighter for GS, better than just creating CW triggers for everything as I go.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:18 am   
The framework is completed. But I'm having alot of trouble highlighting something inside of a string that is also highlighted (gives some rather odd results). So I'm waiting untill I figure that out to complete it. Check the thread "Highlighting with MXP" for details on what the problem is, any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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