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Joined: 09 Apr 2008
Posts: 168

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:15 pm   

i suck at math...
OK, I figured out for the most part what I needed to use to calculate a couple variables... however my math and cmud math is off by like 13

the PMS Bonus is 0.5% per Glvl. I am currently Glvl 55 (27.5%) so... base power of 650 / 100 * 27.5 = 178.75 yet as you can see below....
in mud my total power is 828. Power Regen is + 1 per 50 Power... so the decimal is ignored.

**the math works fine when I am an even number Glvl... it's only off on Odd number where the PMSBonus is a ##.5

Power Management System             

       Base Power Pool  :  650                 
       PMS Bonus Power  :  165                   
      Total Power Pool  :  815                 

       Max Power Regen  :  + 16.3               
       Cur Power Regen  :  + 16       

How I am attempting to get the above results.

<alias name="pmscheck" id="2697">
  <value>#IF (%1 = "reset") {
  #SHOW "     Resetting PMS Values    "
  basePower = 0
  bonusPMSPower = 0
  totalPowerPool = 0
  maxPowerRegen = 0
  curPowerRegen = 0
} {
//Initalize Script
  implants p
  #WA 2500

//Run calculations
  #SHOW "     Calculating...     "
  #MATH basePower @implantFlywheel+@implantUltraCapacitor+@implantBattery
    #IF (@implantPMS == true) {
    #MATH implantPMSBonus @SI*.5
    #MATH bonusPMSPower @basePower/100*@implantPMSBonus
  #MATH totalPowerPool @basepower+@bonusPMSPower
  #MATH maxPowerRegen @totalPowerPool/50
  #MATH curPowerRegen @implantColdFusion+@implantNukeReactor+@implantSolarCell
  #WA 2500
//Print results
  #SHOW ""
  #SHOW "             Power Management System             "
  #SHOW ""
  #SHOW "       Base Power Pool  :  "%eval(@basePower)"                  "
  #SHOW "       PMS Bonus Power  :  "%eval(@bonusPMSPower)"                   "
  #SHOW "      Total Power Pool  :  "%eval(@totalPowerPool)"                  "
  #SHOW ""
  #SHOW "       Max Power Regen  :  + "%eval(@maxPowerRegen)"                "
  #SHOW "       Cur Power Regen  :  + "%eval(@curPowerRegen)"                "
  #SHOW ""
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4685
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:31 pm   
Try to always use floating point math if you expect a decimal answer. That means giving all raw numbers the .0
CMUD math can be stupid at times especially in the order of operations. Force the order you want with extra parenthesis.
it will do 650/100 first, and without the .0 that will return 6*27.5 instead of 6.5*27.5, which is where your ~=13 discrepancy comes from.

I recall hearing something about the #MATH command being depreciated, try converting it to encapsulated commands:

basePower = (@implantFlywheel + @implantUltraCapacitor + @implantBattery)
#IF (@implantPMS == true) {
  implantPMSBonus = (@SI * 0.5)
  bonusPMSPower = ((@basePower / 100.0) * @implantPMSBonus )
totalPowerPool = (@basepower + @bonusPMSPower)
maxPowerRegen = (@totalPowerPool / 50.0)
curPowerRegen = (@implantColdFusion + @implantNukeReactor + @implantSolarCell)
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 09 Apr 2008
Posts: 168

PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 7:29 am   
ok, next question then...

Max Power Regen : + 17.92
Cur Power Regen : + 16

how do i get it to drop the decimal and anything after for Max Power Regen ? just need the whole number for that, as we can't really have fractional regen.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 8:54 am   
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 23 Aug 2013
Posts: 175

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:37 am   
i also suck at math, and this has some relevant sticking points with a math problem im having...

i need any number(s) turned into how long of a time it takes to reach 0. I have the number value, i just need the math to turn it into mins/hours etc...

218942 is the number.... now the basic "max" i could get per round is (40*40)*10

can you please help me formulate this into minutes?

got alot of help with this one from another mudder. i was wayyyy off with the formula, so im sure someone (shalimar:P) would have made this formula possible, but i had some key portions unthought of/added into this equation. thanks though, im all set now:)
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4685
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 2:16 pm   
#HELP %mod
Shows it all


#SHOW hours:%eval(@seconds/3600) mins:%mod(@seconds/60,60) secs:%mod(@seconds,60)
Displays: hours:1 mins:5 secs:17
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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