Sinemac Newbie
Joined: 07 Jan 2018 Posts: 6
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:37 am
Is it possible? Creating a trigger question |
Greetings Folks,
It's been a long time since I've touched zMUD.. but I've gotten interested in playing a MUD I played years ago..
My question is..
when I go into a location I do an "herbs" command and it shows me something like
You forage around for wild herbs.
There are twenty-five batches of siriena here.
or I can do a "poisons" command and it shows me something like this
You forage around for wild poisons.
There are thirty-six batches of shirolos here.
right now I go into each location and have to calculate how many herbs/poisons I can take from a location
is there a way to have it automatically pick herbs to a certain point?
let us say that there are eight-six herbs in the location. I want to set a specific number of 25 to be the lowest number..
when I do a herbs or poisons it automatically knows every herb or poison type in the location and picks them down to 25.
Below is a thing I wrote years ago (yes it can be messy, but it works and I learned from piecing together different ideas)....
right now I go into a location and do a herbs or poisons command to see what's there.. then I pp #numberofherbsIwant
and it picks to the number I want and then picks and plants the last herb.. and then I made a very bad #50 inp command that puts all the herbs in my pouches..
Anyway, I was curious if it was possible.. if so, is there a resource that might show me what to do..
Thank you again.
Code: |
#CLASS {picking}
#ALIAS preps {
#va preppo %1
prepare @preppo
#T+ prepares
#ALIAS pp {
#va picktype %2
#va pickno %1
#va pickno2 %1
#T+ picks
pick @picktype
#VAR preppo {siriena}
#VAR pickno {0}
#VAR picktype {siriena}
#VAR pickno2 {35}
#CLASS {picking|prepares}
#TRIGGER {^Right hand ready.} {prepare @preppo}
#TRIGGER {^Right side ready} {prepare @preppo}
#TRIGGER {All of your * has been prepared.} {
#50 inp @picktype
#T- prepares
#TRIGGER {^You have regained your right-sided balance} {prepare @preppo}
#CLASS {picking|picks}
#TRIGGER {^Right hand ready.} {
#if (@pickno>0) {
pick @picktype
#ad pickno -1
} {
plant @picktype
preps @picktype
#T- picks
#TRIGGER {^Right side ready} {
#if (@pickno>0) {
pick @picktype
#ad pickno -1
} {
plant @picktype
preps @picktype
#T- picks
#TRIGGER {^You have regained your right-sided balance} {
#if (@pickno>0) {
pick @picktype
#ad pickno -1
} {
plant @picktype
preps @picktype
#T- picks
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:47 am |
Well there is no single way to go about it, looks like what you have is mostly doing it as is.
You just need to make a trigger on the output of the survey command
#FUNC wordNumber {some script to convert wordnumbers into integers}
Code: |
#TR {There are (*) batches of (%w) here.} {
#IF (@wordNumber(%1)>25) {
#VAR picktype {%2}
#MATH pickno {%eval(@wordNumber(%1)-25)}
} |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
Sinemac Newbie
Joined: 07 Jan 2018 Posts: 6
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:31 am |
Do you know where I can find more info on #FUN .. I tried the help file but it took me to microsoft for some reason.
or wait...
I wonder if I can make a whole list of triggers or something that are tied to numbers.. |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:32 am |
Is the shorthand to the client side help system.
But you would need to cobble it from the various commands and functions.
Something like this would work, as a short example, you would need to expand it out to cover every instance of course.
#FUNC wordNumber {#RETURN %replace(%replace(%replace(%1, "twenty", "2"), "thirty", "3"), "-four", "4")} |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
Sinemac Newbie
Joined: 07 Jan 2018 Posts: 6
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:57 am |
Thanks for the info
I tried #HELP #FUNC and nothing happend in my zMUD.
I tried #HELP on it's own and it opened
So I'm thinking that I cannot used that old help system on Windows 10.
Okay I was trying to understand the function part and was pulling up different scripts that use functions but it's not clicking yet.. I did notice how people are making different text trigger on the same instances.. before I made a trigger for every change in text.. but figured that out..
I wasn't sure where to edit the text in the function you provided.. I wasn't sure if keep adding parenthasis and then like twenty-one and then I noticed there was a 2 after twenty.. I wasn't sure if that was supposed to be a 20.. etc
Code: |
#CLASS {picking}
#ALIAS preps {
#va preppo %1
prepare @preppo
#T+ prepares
#ALIAS pp {
#va picktype %2
#va pickno %1
#va pickno2 %1
#T+ picks
pick @picktype
#VAR preppo {lestagii}
#VAR pickno {0}
#VAR picktype {lestagii}
#VAR pickno2 {10}
#VAR wordNumber {RETURN %replace( %replace( %replace( %1, "twenty", "2"), "thirty", "3"), "fourty", "4")}
#TRIGGER {There are (*) batches of (%w) here.} {
#IF (@wordNumber(%1)>25) {
#VAR picktype {%2}
#MATH pickno {-25}
} "" {disable}
#CLASS {picking|prepares}
#TRIGGER {^{Right hand ready~.|Right side ready~.|You have regained your right-sided balance~.|You have fully regained your balance~.}} {prepare @preppo}
#TRIGGER {All of your * has been prepared.} {
#50 inp @picktype
#T- prepares
#CLASS {picking|picks}
#TRIGGER {^{Right hand ready~.|Right side ready~.|You have regained your right-sided balance~.|You have fully regained your balance~.}} {
#if (@pickno>0) {
pick @picktype
#ad pickno -1
} {
plant @picktype
preps @picktype
#T- picks
#CLASS {picking|wordvars}
#CLASS 0 |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:29 pm |
the twenty is just the tens digit, you would have to enter more instances of the %replace function to cover the other possible tens and ones digits...
admittedly it's not a pretty script, but it gets the job done.
Also, you left out the # on #RETURN |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
Sinemac Newbie
Joined: 07 Jan 2018 Posts: 6
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:45 pm |
I get an Error when I have the #RETURN .. it leaves if I take the # off.. for some reason.
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4717 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:26 am |
Might just be a command that was added with CMUD.
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |