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Joined: 07 Jan 2018
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 3:19 am   

Converting things back to zMUD from cMUD
Greetings Folks,

I've recently returned to playing a MUD I played years ago and dusted off the old zMUD license and reinstalled it.

The only thing though is the kids now use MUDLET to play and as we all know zMUD stopped being updated many years ago. I've considered using cMUD, but honestly, to pay 30 or 40 dollars for something that will never be updated again for a game that I'm not really playing that often, but just in my spare time.. makes no sense..

so I'm playing with my zMUD because I love it.

Anyway, some people sent me over stuff they use to help me, but I cannot figure how to revert what they are doing back to zMUD.. They use cMUD.. any help would be great?

if you have a site that shows how to convert from zMUD to CMUD then I can just reverse what it shows..

But here is an example code

  <class name="HarvestAlert">
    <var name="day">16</var>
    <var name="month">Midsummer</var>
    <var name="year">1442</var>
    <var name="temp">45</var>
    <trigger priority="32410">
      <pattern>A new day dawns*. It is now the*</pattern>
      <value>#var temp %match( %line, "It is now the (*) day of (*), (*) years", day, month, year);day=%left( @day, %len( @day)-2);#math temp 31-@day;#if (@month="Midsummer") {#math temp 30+@temp};#if (@month="Ilmarael") {#say HARVEST IN @temp HOURS};#if (@month="Midsummer") {#say Harvest in @temp HOURS}</value>
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:30 am   
There is nothing about this trigger that is really any different in zMUD, just the XML format.
Switch it up to zscript and enter the block on the command line like so:

#TR {A new day dawns*. It is now the*} {
#var temp %match( %line, "It is now the (*) day of (*), (*) years", day, month, year)
day=%left( @day, %len( @day)-2)
#math temp 31-@day
#if (@month="Midsummer") {#math temp 30+@temp}
#if (@month="Ilmarael") {#say HARVEST IN @temp HOURS}
#if (@month="Midsummer") {#say Harvest in @temp HOURS}
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 07 Jan 2018
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:39 am   Thank you
I want to say thank you for this reply.

They sent me a package but it's cMUD and it's really useful stuff.

I'm going to take your suggestion and try to apply it to the other things..
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