zexx_fable Newbie
Joined: 22 Dec 2014 Posts: 2
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:22 am
Need help with capture/gag/window. |
I'm wanting for this:
Your group of 9 members consists of:
Member Hits Move Position Fly Inv Water iMT Here Light Mem
WA Vryce perfect rested standing Y Y Y Y Y 1 0
BL Zedar perfect rested standing Y Y N Y N 0 3
SH Greene perfect rested standing Y Y Y N Y 1 2
CL Revan perfect rested standing Y Y Y Y Y 1 2
CL Izso perfect rested standing Y Y N Y Y 0 0
DR Fyrr perfect rested standing Y Y Y Y Y 0 2
WA Dace perfect rested standing Y Y Y N Y 1 0
WH Vorlan perfect rested standing Y Y Y Y Y 1 6
BA Floki perfect rested standing Y Y Y Y Y 0 0
With up to 10 group members to show up in another window. I have figured out how to do the chatted stuff but can't figure this one out. The reason for this is that it becomes really difficult to read what the group status is when I'm getting a lot of battle spam and other stuff going on. I need it to be able to be in another window and sit still. If anyone helps me with this, I thank you in advance. : ) |
zexx_fable Newbie
Joined: 22 Dec 2014 Posts: 2
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:39 am |
Pattern: (.*) decays in your hands\.$
#capture DecayWindow
Is also something I am working on trying to figure out how to get that done properly but I have not found a way to.
Thanks in advance. |