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Joined: 17 Oct 2001
Posts: 371
Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:01 pm   

[3.12] Mapper Not Centering/Scaling
Sorry if this bug has already been reported - I've been out of MUDing for a few years, and just got back to playing DR. Of course, I've upgraded my system a few times since then, and so I began the very painful process of re-mapping Dragonrealms! Wohoo.

Anyway, I created one zone "The Northern Trade Route" which is basically a long road which runs north-south. I started getting to the point where the mapper was creating rooms out of sight of the window.

1: When I tried to click on the window and drag the "view" north so I can see where I was, nothing happened. I then shifted to "Follow" mode (from "Map" mode), and it allowed me to pan north and south, but a limited amount (see #3)

2: The center button didn't work in any of the modes.

3: When I'm in follow mode, and I zoom all the way out, I can see all the rooms. However, as I zoom in, the map won't let me pan north or south to see all the rooms. It just hits a hard "ceiling" even though there are additional rooms north of what I can see. Again, if I zoom out, I can see them. It feels like the map's window area or whatever isn't being adjusted by zooming. So it lets you move the viewable area the same amount if you are 200% zoom versus 50% zoom.

Any of that make sense? Having a hard time describing it.

Windows 7 64-bit (running in Admin mode makes no difference)
3.12 cMUD (Fresh Install)
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Joined: 17 Oct 2001
Posts: 371
Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:04 pm   
Sorry, I just saw an earlier post. This is the same problem as reported by others where mapping at the edges of a zone does not refresh the boundaries of the zone. Zone->Refresh solves the problem.
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Joined: 21 Oct 2008
Posts: 147
Location: Olympia, WA

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:06 pm   
Edit: ^^^ Whoops responded too soon!

Have you tried refreshing the zone? That can fix this in some circumstances I've found. Just go to Zone|Refresh and see what happens.
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