Caled Sorcerer
Joined: 21 Oct 2000 Posts: 821 Location: Australia
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:19 am
[3.06] Buggy behaviour, <player> tag being displayed in places. |
0.0067 |
8.2345 | i Aetolia <<ESC>[35m<CR><LF>
0.0000 | (Liaisons): Ishin says, "Kadvar, mother of Benedicto, is saying something about 'she' saying she's not finding anything."<CR><LF>
0.0000 | <ESC>[0;37mH:<ESC>[32m5344<ESC>[1;37m|<ESC>[32m3307 <ESC>[1;31m100<ESC>[1;37m% <ESC>[0;37mExp:87 <ESC>[1;31m<<ESC>[0;37mkcsdb <ESC>[0;32me<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[0;32mb<ESC>[0;37m <<< ARM BALANCE >>><ESC>[1;31m> <ESC>[0;37m100|100 <IAC><EOR>
0.0036 | a Aetolia |<player><color #00B300>H:<player><color silver>5344<player><color #00B300>|<player><color #FF8000>3307 <player><color silver>100<player>% <player><color <player>#FF8000>Exp:87 kcsdb <player>e<player><color silver>b<player><color #FF8000> lr A11 L11<player>> 100|100
0.0053 | a Aetolia |<player>(Liaisons): Ishin says, "Kadvar, mother of Benedicto, is saying something about 'she' saying she's not finding anything."
The <player> tag that CMUD adds for whatever reason, gets displayed about 25% of the time in my channel capture window. Once this has happened once, my map capture window goes garbled and displays stuff like this:
Code: |
<player> <player> ]<player> <player>[<player> <player>]<player> <player>[<player>>]
/ \
<player> <player>[<player> <player>]<player>-<player>[<player><<player>]<player>-<player>[<player> <player> <player>]-<player>[<player><]
/ | \ / \
[ ]-[ ] [ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ]
\ | / | /
[+]-[ ] [ ] [ ]
\ / /
[ ]-[ ] [ ]
| \ /
[ ] [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ]-
| \ \ | \ / |
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]-[ ]-[ ]
| | / \ / | / \
[ ] [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ] [ ]
\ / | \ \
[ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] [ ]
/ / |
--- A long patrol path ----------- -2:3:0 --- |
The interesting part being that this map was displayed the entire time, without me moving to a new room and sending new lines to it. All that rubbish at the top of is just appears in the window - at the top. Once it is there though, looking/moving (which should display a new rooms map, all clean) continues to display the rubbish tags. |
_________________ Athlon 64 3200+
Win XP Pro x64 |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:44 pm |
CMUD doesn't add any sort of <player> tag. Either the MUD itself is sending that, or you have some scripts somewhere that are adding it. Your debug capture above doesn't make any sense to me because the "a" message lines do not match anything in the raw "i" input lines. Make sure *all* messages in the script debugger are enabled and post a larger capture that will show us where the <player> tag is coming from.
Caled Sorcerer
Joined: 21 Oct 2000 Posts: 821 Location: Australia
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:01 am |
So this doesn't always happen, but once it starts it happens a lot. Took a while before it kicked in again, and now I sort of know more about why.
It should appear as:
<<Bahkatu>>: You say, "Hmm, excuse this sorry."
<<Bahkatu>>: Aere says, "More speaking?!"
But in the main window:
<>: You say, "Hmm, excuse this sorry."
<>: Aere says, "More speaking?!"
In chat window:
<Bahkatu><<Bahkatu>>: You say, "Hmm, excuse this sorry."
<Bahkatu><<Bahkatu>>: Aere says, "More speaking?!"
In debug window:
Code: |
a Aetolia |<Bahkatu><color #00B300>H:<Bahkatu><color silver>5339<Bahkatu><color #00B300>|<Bahkatu><color #FF8000>5992 <Bahkatu><color silver>100<Bahkatu>% <Bahkatu><Bahkatu><color kcs <Bahkatu>e<Bahkatu><color silver>b<Bahkatu><color #FF8000> lr A22 L11<Bahkatu>> 100|100 gts hmm, excuse this sorry
i Aetolia >gts hmm, excuse this sorry<CR><LF>
i Aetolia <<ESC>[1;32m<<Bahkatu>>: You say, "Hmm, excuse this sorry."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37mH:<ESC>[32m5339<ESC>[1;37m|<ESC>[32m5992 <ESC>[1;31m100<ESC>[1;37m% <ESC>[0;37mExp:0 <ESC>[1;31m<<ESC>[0;37mkcs <ESC>[0;32me<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[0;32mb<ESC>[0;37m <<< ARM BALANCE >>><ESC>[1;31m> <ESC>[0;37m100|100 <IAC><GA>
a Aetolia |<Bahkatu><<Bahkatu>>: You say, "Hmm, excuse this sorry."
a Aetolia ]H:5339|5992 100% Exp:0 >>> 100|100
i Aetolia <<CR><LF>
You gag a bit as Basso's stink wafts over you.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37mH:<ESC>[32m5339<ESC>[1;37m|<ESC>[32m5992 <ESC>[1;31m100<ESC>[1;37m% <ESC>[0;37mExp:0 <ESC>[1;31m<<ESC>[0;37mkcs <ESC>[0;32me<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[0;32mb<ESC>[0;37m <<< ARM BALANCE >>><ESC>[1;31m> <ESC>[0;37m100|100 <IAC><GA>
a Aetolia |<Bahkatu><color #00B300>H:<Bahkatu><color silver>5339<Bahkatu><color #00B300>|<Bahkatu><color #FF8000>5992 <Bahkatu><color silver>100<Bahkatu>% <Bahkatu><Bahkatu><color kcs <Bahkatu>e<Bahkatu><color silver>b<Bahkatu><color #FF8000> lr A22 L11<Bahkatu>> 100|100
a Aetolia |You gag a bit as Basso's stink wafts over you.
a Aetolia ]H:5339|5992 100% Exp:0 >>> 100|100
i Aetolia <<ESC>[1;32m<CR><LF>
<<Bahkatu>>: Aere says, "More speaking?!"<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37mH:<ESC>[32m5339<ESC>[1;37m|<ESC>[32m5992 <ESC>[1;31m100<ESC>[1;37m% <ESC>[0;37mExp:0 <ESC>[1;31m<<ESC>[0;37mkcs <ESC>[0;32me<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[0;32mb<ESC>[0;37m <<< ARM BALANCE >>><ESC>[1;31m> <ESC>[0;37m100|100 <IAC><GA>
a Aetolia |<Bahkatu><color #00B300>H:<Bahkatu><color silver>5339<Bahkatu><color #00B300>|<Bahkatu><color #FF8000>5992 <Bahkatu><color silver>100<Bahkatu>% <Bahkatu><Bahkatu><color kcs <Bahkatu>e<Bahkatu><color silver>b<Bahkatu><color #FF8000> lr A22 L11<Bahkatu>> 100|100
a Aetolia |<Bahkatu><<Bahkatu>>: Aere says, "More speaking?!"
a Aetolia ]H:5339|5992 100% Exp:0 >>> 100|100
i Aetolia <<CR><LF>
A smattering of clouds fills the sky, lacing it with spiderwebs of grey.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37mH:<ESC>[32m5339<ESC>[1;37m|<ESC>[32m5992 <ESC>[1;31m100<ESC>[1;37m% <ESC>[0;37mExp:0 <ESC>[1;31m<<ESC>[0;37mkcs <ESC>[0;32me<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[0;32mb<ESC>[0;37m <<< ARM BALANCE >>><ESC>[1;31m> <ESC>[0;37m100|100 <IAC><GA>
a Aetolia |<Bahkatu><color #00B300>H:<Bahkatu><color silver>5339<Bahkatu><color #00B300>|<Bahkatu><color #FF8000>5992 <Bahkatu><color silver>100<Bahkatu>% <Bahkatu><Bahkatu><color kcs <Bahkatu>e<Bahkatu><color silver>b<Bahkatu><color #FF8000> lr A22 L11<Bahkatu>> 100|100
a Aetolia |A smattering of clouds fills the sky, lacing it with spiderwebs of grey.
a Aetolia ]H:5339|5992 100% Exp:0 >>> 100|100
The trigger capping it:
Code: |
<trigger priority="13830" id="50">
<value>#cap chanCap</value>
This is because it was already sometimes showing as:
<>: You say, "Hmm, excuse this sorry."
<>: Aere says, "More speaking?!"
So I changed the trig to match both. |
_________________ Athlon 64 3200+
Win XP Pro x64 |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:17 pm |
CMUD is treating <<Bahkatu>> as an MXP tag. There are several things you can try to fix this.
First, go into the MXP/HTML Preferences page and turn on the "Show unknown tags" option. Do this for both your main window and your capture window and see if that helps.
You could also turn off the "Force remote MXP" option to prevent CMUD from parsing anything from the MUD as MXP unless the MUD specifically enables the MXP support.
For your capture window, you can also try turning off the "Capture MXP" option. |
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