Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:15 am
[3.01] Close Window / Close All does not invalidate Room Properties Window |
I opened up an untitled session, edited a few rooms and left the properties. With the Room Properties window still open and floating I chose Close Window from the file menu, then Close All.
During this time Room properties still displayed data from the last room it was viewing.
When I tried to open another untitled session I got an AV error.
Code: |
date/time : 2008-11-22, 02:10:52, 125ms
operating system : Windows XP Service Pack 2 build 2600
system language : English
system up time : 6 hours 37 minutes
program up time : 13 minutes 37 seconds
processors : 2x Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2600 @ 2.16GHz
physical memory : 909/2046 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 15.80 GB
display mode : 1600x1200, 32 bit
process id : $16e0
allocated memory : 49.07 MB
executable : cMUDPro.exe
exec. date/time : 2008-11-21 20:52
version :
compiled with : BCB 2006/07
madExcept version : 3.0h
contact name : Tech
callstack crc : $0a536775, $4d91934b, $4d91934b
exception number : 1
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 0072ABD0 in module 'cMUDPro.exe'. Read of address 00000010.
Main ($6e8):
0072abd0 +00 cMUDPro.exe Lister 502 +0 pList.Count
00dde0c0 +60 cMUDPro.exe RoomProp3 1768 +3 TRoomPropF.ShowStat
00d14d4f +d3 cMUDPro.exe PARENT 6005 +37 TParentForm.DisplayHint
006d51fa +12 cMUDPro.exe AppEvnts 203 +2 TCustomApplicationEvents.DoHint
006d59b1 +3d cMUDPro.exe AppEvnts 462 +5 TMultiCaster.DoHint
004ae6da +32 cMUDPro.exe Forms 8593 +5 TApplication.SetHint
004ae516 +66 cMUDPro.exe Forms 8530 +4 TApplication.Idle
004ad9bb +17 cMUDPro.exe Forms 8124 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
004adca3 +b3 cMUDPro.exe Forms 8223 +20 TApplication.Run
00eacae4 +88 cMUDPro.exe cMUDPro 356 +20 initialization
7c91312f +69 ntdll.dll RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString
7c812b94 +b6 kernel32.dll GetVersionExA
error details:
Error from errant properties windows.
I opened up an untitled session, edited a few rooms and left the properties. With the Room Properties window still open and floating I chose Close Window from the file menu, then Close All.
During this time Room properties still displayed data from the last room it was viewing.
When I tried to open another untitled session I got an AV error. |