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  Topic: Is there something other than wait that will work.

Replies: 3
Views: 4629

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 6:51 am   Subject: Is there something other than wait that will work.
Thanks, it works absolutely fabulous.

  Topic: Is there something other than wait that will work.

Replies: 3
Views: 4629

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 9:02 pm   Subject: Is there something other than wait that will work.
The mud I play has a combat system where you must time a defense action right to block the attack. So we can practice attacking with different techniques my friend and I set up a system using wait li ...
  Topic: trigger question

Replies: 6
Views: 6761

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 2:48 am   Subject: trigger question
Bare with me here, I'm kind of new to this type of trigger code. I've got the person taken care of, where it stores it and I've got f1-4 setup to 'attack' @name. Now I just need to know how to get z ...
  Topic: trigger question

Replies: 6
Views: 6761

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 6:59 am   Subject: trigger question
What I was meaning was that I want my guy to left punch name when lp came up on the combo. On the combos there are four different actions(s,r,pl,pr) each combo can vary with different amounts of acti ...
  Topic: trigger question

Replies: 6
Views: 6761

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 5:43 am   Subject: trigger question
How would I go about getting this to work:

TECH BLOCK bonus! Noyade is stunned.
Combination! ( lp rp )

What I need is for the lp to be converted into punch left name and then on a seperate line ...
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