AHH HA.. found the problem. it was in the e-liscense control system. it was trying to register the e-liscence for 7.04 under the 6.56 liscence. I unliscensd 6.56 and uninstalled 7.04 and re-installed ...
I apologize for this being a duplicate post ( see Zmud still wont start...... again) after reading that post I checked my mdac status. I also went to windows update and checked for any updates there. ...
o.k. I just uninstalled. completely wiped (not the e-licsenece) all of zmud and its non liscence related registry entries and everything. re-downloaded the install program and ran it. it went into its ...
at startup. the initial half window opens for less that an eyeblink.
then shuts down and I get the windows error notice along with the error reporting promt. thats using the newest version of Zmud on ...