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  Topic: Trigger Assistance please - a toughie?

Replies: 6
Views: 7739

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 12:40 am   Subject: Trigger Assistance please - a toughie?
Now I think I get it. You're comming from entering a program into the blank white box at the bottom, and I've been trying to put stuff in using the editor.


  Topic: Trigger Assistance please - a toughie?

Replies: 6
Views: 7739

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 12:12 am   Subject: Trigger Assistance please - a toughie?
In the trigger editor, the trigger name and the trigger pattern are the same thing. There is no box for trigger name, and on the trigger list the pattern appears as under then name column. I tried c ...
  Topic: Help with another trigger.

Replies: 8
Views: 10056

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 12:02 am   Subject: Help with another trigger.
If I'm using the trigger editor, how do I enter the below trigger?

#TEMP {(%w) tells you} {tell %1 hi there}

tells you hello
#TEMP tell %1 hi there

I tried the above, ...
  Topic: Another trigger question.

Replies: 11
Views: 11195

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 11:33 pm   Subject: Another trigger question.
I mean that once it goes off, do I have to make a new trigger for the next time?


  Topic: Help with another trigger.

Replies: 8
Views: 10056

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 9:49 pm   Subject: Help with another trigger.
For the sound and heal triggers above, what do I put into the pattern box?


  Topic: Another trigger question.

Replies: 11
Views: 11195

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 9:38 pm   Subject: Another trigger question.
One more thing on can I have the trigger re-set itself?


  Topic: Help with another trigger.

Replies: 8
Views: 10056

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 10:40 pm   Subject: Help with another trigger.
I'd like a trigger to heal another person instead of myself--ie: tank auto heal.
Here's the line:

< 366hp 0m 97mv TN: THUNDERBUNS TC: 727 EN: a lumbering treant EC: nasty wounds >

The tan ...
  Topic: Help with an auto-heal "program"

Replies: 32
Views: 41207

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2002 2:27 am   Subject: Help with an auto-heal "program"
So when I have #VAR heal 1 as one line in another trigger, it will "refer"/reset the main heal trigger? Cool!


  Topic: Another trigger question.

Replies: 11
Views: 11195

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2002 2:22 am   Subject: Another trigger question.
Actually, the temp trigger is good enough for what I need it to do.

Thanks guys!

  Topic: Another trigger question.

Replies: 11
Views: 11195

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2002 2:21 am   Subject: Another trigger question.
Yes...what Mat Lofton said! :)


  Topic: Another trigger question.

Replies: 11
Views: 11195

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2002 10:11 pm   Subject: Another trigger question.
Cool! How can I get it to only go off once?

  Topic: Help with an auto-heal "program"

Replies: 32
Views: 41207

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2002 9:50 pm   Subject: Help with an auto-heal "program"
How about another angle? Rather than have the trigger spam heals, how can I get the trigger to go off once, wait a second or two, then reset itself?


  Topic: Another trigger question.

Replies: 11
Views: 11195

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2002 8:22 pm   Subject: Another trigger question.
I want a trigger that will do the following:

1. When XXXX sends me a tell message
like Lyth tells you hello, I want a
reply trigger ie: you tell lyth hey man
, or something like t ...
  Topic: Help with an auto-heal "program"

Replies: 32
Views: 41207

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2002 7:46 pm   Subject: Help with an auto-heal "program"
Kjata dude! That worked--thanks! :)


  Topic: Help with an auto-heal "program"

Replies: 32
Views: 41207

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 2:48 am   Subject: Help with an auto-heal "program"
Pardon, the input is:

< 245hp 43m 69mv TN: Atuk TC: 245 EN: a sly, little fox EC: nasty wounds >

Sorry! :)

  Topic: Help with an auto-heal "program"

Replies: 32
Views: 41207

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 1:26 am   Subject: Help with an auto-heal "program"
The line is:

< 283hp 0m 97mv EC: nasty wounds >

I want the trigger to cast a spell when I'm below a certain percentage of hp.

Atuk of darkover.

  Topic: Help with an auto-heal "program"

Replies: 32
Views: 41207

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 9:36 pm   Subject: Help with an auto-heal "program"
How about this: when I put the "pointer" over the @/maxhp part, a mini-window appears saying @maxhp=<empty>
Is that wrong?


  Topic: Help with an auto-heal "program"

Replies: 32
Views: 41207

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 9:16 pm   Subject: Help with an auto-heal "program"
Tried playing with spaces, and toggling between trigger newline off/on and prompt off/on and it still didn't work. It must be something small I'm overlooking because this trigger worked before--I'm h ...
  Topic: Help with an auto-heal "program"

Replies: 32
Views: 41207

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 7:49 pm   Subject: Help with an auto-heal "program"
Dang! The above trigger just doesn't go off, but when I have all that stuff typed in, and click on the "test" tab, I get a green light. What am I doing wrong?

-Atuk of darkover.

  Topic: Sound trigger

Replies: 1
Views: 3399

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2002 11:50 pm   Subject: Sound trigger
How can I get zMud to make sound when a word appears on the mud screen?


  Topic: Trigger Assistance please - a toughie?

Replies: 6
Views: 7739

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2002 6:32 pm   Subject: Trigger Assistance please - a toughie?
So, in the edit trigger box:

TN: Atuk TC: 283

order wolf assist atuk

Then, in another edit trigger box:

EC: awful

order wolf disen

Please re-expl ...
  Topic: Trigger Assistance please - a toughie?

Replies: 6
Views: 7739

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 8:44 pm   Subject: Trigger Assistance please - a toughie?
Heya! I want a trigger that will only fire once. For example, I want my pets to assist when a word or words appear on the screen. Then, disengage when another word or words appear. However, I want t ...
  Topic: Help with an auto-heal "program"

Replies: 32
Views: 41207

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 10:07 pm   Subject: Help with an auto-heal "program"
Thanks dude!

  Topic: Help with an auto-heal "program"

Replies: 32
Views: 41207

PostForum: zMUD General Discussion   Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 7:38 pm   Subject: Help with an auto-heal "program"
I got the below "program" here awile back, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. I'm using Zmud v.6.16

~<(%d)hp%dm%dmv TC:%d EC:%*~>
#VAR hp%1
#VAR maxhp 541
#IF (%eval((@hp*100)/ ...
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