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Topic: Bot Check Script. |
Replies: 6
Views: 7150
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:32 am Subject: Bot Check Script. |
Just my two cents, but as a player who regularly bots and considers it a challange to circumvent such automatic botcheck measures as you describe, I would like to throw an idea out there.
Most play ... |
Topic: #IF and math functions |
Replies: 7
Views: 8746
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:04 am Subject: #IF and math functions |
#CLASS {Auto Healing}
#ALIAS mpvial {#IF {@maxmn-@msip > @mn} {
sip mana
healbal = 1
} {#NOOP}}
#ALIAS hpvial {#IF {@maxhp-@hsip > @hp} {
sip health
healbal = 1
} ... |
Topic: Help finding a trigger. |
Replies: 4
Views: 5259
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 10:57 pm Subject: Help finding a trigger. |
Have you tried turning on Menu:View|Preferences|Script Parser|Show Triggers ?
This should show you any triggers that are being set off by that line. |
Topic: alias question |
Replies: 4
Views: 5676
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:57 pm Subject: alias question |
Place LightBulb's answer into your alias. As soon as you execute the alias it will parse the #IF statement.
If there are arguments passed then it returns true executing {backstab %-1}
If there are ... |
Topic: Two Questions.... |
Replies: 1
Views: 2873
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:23 am Subject: Two Questions.... |
1. #ECHO text or #SAY text
Echo the string to the top window. Like the SAY command, except SAY echoes to the window it was issued from. The difference is when performing trigger actions. Using S ... |
Topic: Need help with Ansi Trigger |
Replies: 6
Views: 8920
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:10 am Subject: Need help with Ansi Trigger |
If your mud ends every line with the code to return the line color to default then this might work.
#TRIGGER {^%e[1;33m(*)%e[0m$} {#IF (%pos( %e[, "%1")) {#NOOP} {do_something}} "" {color} |
Topic: Subtracting with triggers... |
Replies: 6
Views: 5559
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 6:46 am Subject: Subtracting with triggers... |
If you click on Menu:Show|Status Bars, then the 'All Classes' button it will show you all of the Stats Bars you have. If it isn't a duplicate status bar then i'm not sure what's causing that to appear ... |
Topic: Subtracting with triggers... |
Replies: 6
Views: 5559
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 5:59 am Subject: Subtracting with triggers... |
1. #ADD T -1
From the help file: To subtract a value, use a negative amount.
2. You may have a duplicate #STAT {Treasure: @T} command in another class
Topic: Trigger on Exit |
Replies: 6
Views: 6463
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 6:19 am Subject: Trigger on Exit |
The reason i'm trying to send a command on zMud closing is as a contingency measure. It's not a problem when i'm there to quit out, but a situation came up recently when I was not there and my zMud wa ... |
Topic: Trigger on Exit |
Replies: 6
Views: 6463
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 12:29 pm Subject: Trigger on Exit |
I wouldn't post if I hadn't tested it. Using v6.66 and 6.62. Both with atexit and atdisconnect. In all instances the commands are executed, but not before the connection is lost. Unless there is some ... |
Topic: Trigger on Exit |
Replies: 6
Views: 6463
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:28 am Subject: Trigger on Exit |
Thank you for the reply,
Atdisconnect only fires after you disconnect from the mud. It seems to work if you need to change zMud settings but not if you need to send a command to the mud. What i'm l ... |
Topic: Trigger on Exit |
Replies: 6
Views: 6463
Forum: zMUD General Discussion Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:21 am Subject: Trigger on Exit |
I'm trying to get zMud to send a recall command to the mud when it closes, either through the File|Exit command or by clicking the Close Window button. atexit logically disconnects before executing. D ... |