Hi! I am very new to this scripting thing and muds in general. What I would like to have is the multiline capturing of messages to separate window. (Tells, sayings, novice channel etc) Anybody could l ...
Hmm I'll try to figure out what line-wrapping is. I'll also check how the nighttime worked. One guy wrote in the mud's forum that he got it working with brief mode and some triggers for the "You can't ...
A keyword of 'exit' should also match 'exits', so you shouldn't have to use a trigger to change the mud output. Try setting the keyword to 'exit' and getting rid of your trigger.
Hey! I'm having still 10 days of trial left on cmud and I'm considering of buying it. Today I tried automapper with Icesus mud. There are two kind of exit keywords. Exits and exit. I used trigger to c ...